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Betreff: [AISWorld] cfp:The 1st International Workshop on Business Model Dynamics and Information Systems Engineering Workshop (BumDISE 2015)
Datum: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 12:07:37 +0100
Von: Gianluigi Viscusi <gianluigi.viscusi@epfl.ch>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

_Call for papers: The 1st International Workshop on Business Model 
Dynamics and Information Systems Engineering Workshop (BumDISE 2015)_
Held in conjunction with the 28th International Conference on Advanced 
Information Systems Engineering CAISE2016 (http://caise2016.si/).

Ljubljana, Slovenia on June 13, 2016.

_Important notes_

- authors are invited to submit full papers (about 12 pages) and short 
papers (about 6 pages).
- accepted papers will be published in Springer LNBIP volume proceedings 
together with the other CAISE 2016 workshops.

_Important dates_

- Submission is open: 10th January 2016
_- Submission deadline (EXTENDED): 25th February 2016_
- Notification of acceptance: 16th March 2016
- Camera-Ready copy due: 26th March 2016
- Workshop: 13th June 2016

The goal of the workshop is to explore and clarify the nature of the 
mechanisms and dynamics underlying the emergence and evolution of new 
and existing Business Models (BMs) with emphasis both on the design of 
new BMs and the reconfiguration of existing ones. Both BM design and 
reconfiguration implies questioning the role and methods of information 
systems engineering.

While BMs have attracted attention from scholars and practitioners 
working in distinct disciplines, including information systems, the 
quest for their emergence and evolution has been primarily been analyzed 
from a management perspective, either with a strategy or an organization 
theory flavor. Within this line of inquiry, Business Model Innovation 
(BMI) has been theoretically framed in terms of three broad problem 
domains: discovering opportunities for new BMs (sensing), designing new 
BMs (seizing) and developing (transforming) a BM (Teece, 2007). This 
workshop builds on the consideration that unpacking and shedding light 
on such areas can greatly benefit from importing insights from 
information systems engineering. For example, what is the role of system 
modeling in sensing opportunities? How and under what conditions could 
conceptual modeling support the design of innovative business models 
able to confer competitive advantage? Questions such as these ones 
remain, partly, unanswered because the two domains, information systems 
on one side, and organization theory and strategy on the other side, 
have evolved into separated silos (Zott, Amit & Massa, 2011). Building 
on these premises, the workshop aims to promote and exchange ideas on 
the role and use of information systems engineering for BM design and 
reconfiguration and a cross fertilization of insights between scholars 
from information systems engineering and management and organization 
science community. That’s the main contribution, difference, but also 
complementarity of the workshop with regard to other CAISE confirmed 
accompanying events (BPMDS, EMMSAD, ICSOB).

The workshop aims also to contribute to CAISE 2016 theme “Information 
systems for connecting people” by providing an emergent perspectives on 
BM Innovation, considering individuals impact on their implementation 
and, thus, to business strategy outcomes.

The track is powered by the Swiss National Science Foundation Sinergia 
project  Business Model Dynamics (Project Number: 147666), an 
interdisciplinary collaborative research effort involving research teams 
from four prominent universities (EPFL – Lausanne, ETH - Zurich, USI – 
Lugano and UNIBO, Bologna) and focuses on shedding light on the dynamics 
at the background of the emergence and evolution of BMs across sectors 
and at different levels of analysis.

We strongly encourage the publications reporting a synergy of innovative 
research and best practices in BMs Innovation, design, and 
reconfiguration. We encourage the original contributions exploring the 
challenges and solutions related to BM innovation and information 
systems engineering capabilities, as well as industrial case studies 
illustrating these challenges and solutions. The topics are among but 
not limited to:

 *      Business Model Innovation Dynamics and information systems
   engineering capabilities
 *      Business Models Innovation through information systems engineering
 *      Models and Tools for BM sensing, seizing, and transforming
 *      Dynamic Capabilities and information systems engineering
 *      Multi-sided platforms and Internet-based Enterprise innovation
 *      Multiple value propositions and value networks
 *      Silver economy
 *      Talent management and information systems engineering capabilities
 *      Open scientific challenges in the technical foundations of BM
 *      Information Systems as catalysis to Business Model Innovation
   and Dynamics

_Papers submission_

We invite submissions in the form of Full papers and Short papers.

- Full papers reporting the completed research, industrial case studies, 
empirical studies and surveys are limited to 12 pages including all 
text, figures, references and appendices.
- Short papers reporting research-in-progress and problem statements are 
restricted to a maximum length of 6 pages (including all text, figures, 
references and appendices).

- All papers should be submitted in PDF format. The results described 
must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere.

Submission is handled through easychair at the following page:


_Guidelines for authors__
The workshop uses blind review. The submitted manuscripts should comply 
with he Springer LNBIP formatting rules.

To prepare your initial submission, please follow the Author 
Instructions at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793326-0

The accepted papers will be published in Springer LNBIP volume 
proceedings together with the other CAISE 2016 workshops.

For the accepted papers, please make sure to use the full names of all 
contributing authors in the paper (first name(s) and surname).

Please make sure that the figures are legible also when printed in black 
and white. Colored figures will only appear in the online version of the 


Christopher Tucci (Ph.D.)
ODY 1 04 (Odyssea)
Station 5
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Email : christopher.tucci@epfl.ch

Lorenzo Massa (Ph.D.)
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU),
Department of Strategy and Innovation
Building D2, 2nd upper level
Welthandelsplatz 1 A-1020 Wien, Austria.
ODY 1 16 (Odyssea)
Station 5  CH-1015
Lausanne, Switzerland
Email : lorenzo.massa@wu.ac.at - lorenzo.massa@epfl.ch

Gianluigi Viscusi  (Ph.D.)
ODY 1 16 (Odyssea)
Station 5  CH-1015
Lausanne, Switzerland
email:  gianluigi.viscusi@epfl.ch
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