-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [wkwi] AMCIS 2020 / Track Organizational Transformation & Information Systems (SIG OSRA) / Call for Papers Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 08:12:51 +0100 From: Lauri Wessel | University of Bremen lauri.wessel@uni-bremen.de Reply-To: Lauri Wessel | University of Bremen lauri.wessel@uni-bremen.de To: wkwi@listserv.dfn.de wkwi@listserv.dfn.de
*AMCIS 2020 Call for Papers Track Organizational Transformation & Information Systems (SIG OSRA) August 12-16, 2020, Salt Lake City, Utah*
Dear colleagues,
if you are working in the area of*organizational transformation & IS / digital transformation*, please consider submitting a paper to one of minitracks in the track "*Organizational Transformation & Information Systems*" sponsored by*SIG OSRA*.
This year, the minitracks seek to attract papers related to*agile methods, business process management, digital disruption, digital platforms, smart services and start-up*s. The general minitrack is also open for further topics related to the track's theme.
*Track description:* By adopting, adapting, or developing Information Systems (IS), organizations and their IS continually undergo a considerable transformation often referred to as “digital transformation”. As a result, information systems, business models, business processes, and end-user workplaces are perpetually analyzed, rethought, and changed. Nowadays, many systems in organizations are already interconnected to form inter-organizational IS, contributing to a complex IS landscape in current organizations. This renews the importance of analyzing the interplay between IS and organizations from socio-technical and end-user perspectives and the implications of changing IS on end-users and customers, who are increasingly technologically savvy and immersed in this digital transformation.
*Minitracks of the track "Organizational Transformation & Information Systems":* - Minitrack 1: *Disruptive Start-ups and Traditional Companies* (MT co-chairs: Heiko Gewald, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Daniel Gozman) - Minitrack 2: *Digital Transformation through Agile Methods* (MT co-chairs: Andreas Drechsler, Bettina Horlach) - Minitrack 3: *Digital Transformation through Smart Services* (MT co-chairs: Thang Le Dinh, Jolita Ralyté, Thoa Pham) - Minitrack 4: *Business Process Management and Changes* (MT co-chairs: Joseph Nwankpa, Yaman Roumani) - Minitrack 5:SIG OSRA General Minitrack (MT co-chairs: Elizabeth Regan, João Porto de Albuquerque, Vincent Dutot)
- Minitrack 6: *Digital Transformation through Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Other Epistemic Technologies*(MT co-chairs: Wendy Günther, Mayur Joshi)
- Minitrack 7: *Digital Transformation and Capitalizing on Digital Disruption*(MT co-chairs: Abayomi Baiyere, Daniel Fürstenau)
- Minitrack 8: *Digital Transformation through Digital Platforms*(MT co-chairs: Anna Sigridur Islind, Alexander Kempton)
*Please find the full description of the minitracks on the AMCIS 2020 website:*
* Important dates:* - February 28, 2020 AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors at 5:00pm MST - April 13, 2020 Track Chairs recommendations are due - April 22, 2020 Camera-ready papers are due
Paul Drews, Elaine Mosconi, Frank Ulbrich, Lauri Wessel
AMCIS 2020 Track Organizational Transformation & Information Systems (SIG OSRA) Co-Chairs
Lauri Wessel
Prof. Dr. Lauri Wessel
Professor of Management and Organization
Faculty 7: Business Studies and Economics, University of Bremen
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 1 (WIWI 1), Room A2340
28359 Bremen, Germany
Tel.: 0049-421-218 66600
Email: _lauri.wessel@uni-bremen.de mailto:lauri.wessel@uni-bremen.de_
Web: _www.mo.uni-bremen.de http://www.mo.uni-bremen.de_
*_Check out our latest publications:_*
*Wessel, L.,* Davidson, E.; Barquet, A., Rothe, H., Peters, O., Megges, H. (2019) “Configuration in Smart Service Systems: A Practice-based Inquiry.” /Information Systems Journal/, 29(6), 1256-1281/. /https://doi.org/10.1111/isj.12268//
Rothe, H., *Wessel, L.*, Barquet, A. (forthcoming) “Accumulating Design Knowledge: A Mechanisms-based Approach”. /Journal of the Association for Information Systems./ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333429644_Accumulating_Design_Knowl...
Haack, P., Sieweke, J., *Wessel, L.* (Eds.) (2019) “Microfoundations of Institutions.“ /Research in the Sociology of Organizations Volume 65A&65B (Double Volume)/, Emerald. https://books.emeraldinsight.com/page/detail/Microfoundations-of-Institution...
Haack, P., Sieweke, J., *Wessel, L*. (2019) “Microfoundations and Multi-Level Research on Institutions,” in: /Research in the Sociology Organizations/ /“Microfoundations of Institutions“, 65A, 11-40/. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334773190_Microfoundations_and_Mult...
Ologeanu-Taddei, R., *Wessel, L.*, Bourdon, I. 2019 “Persistent Paradoxes in Pluralistic Organizations: A Case Study of Continued Use of Shadow-IT in a French Hospital”. /40^th International Conference on Information Systems. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336044337_Persistent_Paradoxes_in_P... /