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Call for Papers
Springer Journal of Network and Systems Management (http://www.springer.com/computer/communication+networks/journal/10922)
Special Issue on "Cloud Computing, Networking, and Service (CCNS) Management"
CfP URL: http://www.springer.com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/cfp-10922-20101124.pdf?SGWID=0-0-45-1030737-p35750479
Paper submission date: June 15, 2011
Impact Factor: 1.356 (Q1 in Telecommunications and Q2 in Computer Science, Information Systems), Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters
Cloud computing, networking, and their related service management including grid computing (as appropriate) have recently emerged out of marketing
hype to viable computing/networking tools for reducing infrastructure deployment and service management costs without sacrificing the quality of
service/experience (QoS/E).
Although the virtualization of computing and networking resources, and their self-organizing interconnection is at the heart of it, the
methods/mechanisms/tools that are used to expose (visualization) resources and their utilization (the application programming interfaces of APIs) for
developing anything (*) as a service (*aaS) are still ad-hoc and/or proprietary in nature. Security, privacy, and multi-tenancy support requirements
add another dimension to the already complex set of Cloud —computing and networking— management problems.
This JNSM SI on CCNS management will include invited and referee-recommended papers on the following topics:
- Cloud Applications and Services
--> Any computing, data-storing, and networking as a service
- API for enabling Cloud-based Services
--> Public, Private, and Hybrid (toolkit approach) APIs
- Virtualization (of any and all resources) and Hosting
--> Virtualization of Clients/Desktop, Applications, Services, and Databases
--> Distributed Intra- and Inter-Domain Storage/FileSystems/Database
--> Distributed Intra- and Inter-Domain Scheduling of resources
--> Resources Mobility and Multi-tenancy
- Protocols and Interoperability
--> Adaptive Protocols for Generic Cloud Services
--> Inter-Domain Service-Specific Adaptive Protocols
- Private, Public, Community, Hybrid Clouds
--> Addressability, Networking Extensions, Service Quality Agreement
- Cloud Service Logging and Monitoring
--> Including Auditing and Verification
- Soft and Hard Privacy and Security for Cloud-based Services
--> Process, Practice and Mechanisms
- Risk, Resiliency, and SLA (RRS) of Services in Clouds
--> Risk-tolerance, MMTF, MMTR, etc. for Components and Apps/Services (End-to-End)
- Cloud Service and Infrastructure Management
--> Including Visualization, Automation, Debugging and Diagnosis
- Reports from CCNS management Experiments and Filed Deployments
--> University, Consortia, Industry/ Field Trials, etc.
- Mobility Management in Cloud Computing
--> Cloud service hosting mobility and service migration
--> Elastic computing using mobile codes
- Policy management in Cloud computing
--> Regulations and export control of using Cloud computing
Important dates
Paper submission date: June 15, 2011
Notification of acceptance: November 30, 2011
Final paper due: April 15, 2012
Publication date: September 2012
Guest Editors
- Bhumip Khasnabish, ZTE USA, Inc. (vumip1@gmail.com)
- Dijiang Huang, Arizona State University, USA (Dijiang.Huang@asu.edu)
- Xiaoying Bai, Tsinghua University, China (baixy@tsinghua.edu.cn)
- Paolo Bellavista, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy (paolo.bellavista@unibo.it)
- Bruno Schulze, National Lab. for Scientific Computing - LNCC, Brazil (schulze@lncc.br)
- Gregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, Spain (gregorio@um.es)
- Nikos Antonopoulos, University of Derby, UK (N.Antonopoulos@derby.ac.uk)
Gregorio Martinez, PhD
University of Murcia, Spain
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