-------- Forwarded Message --------
The 12th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented
Computing and Applications (SOCA 2019)
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
November 18 - 21, 2019
Dear Colleagues:
We cordially invite you to share your latest research results
related to big data analytics and intelligence at the IEEE SOCA
2019 conference.
Service-oriented computing (SOC) is considered today a key enabler
for the development of robust and high-quality intelligent
Internet-scale distributed applications. Extensive research and
development in the past few years has pushed SOC technology into
state-of-the-art applications in emerging areas such as Cloud
computing, Internet-of-Things (IoT), Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
communication, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), Mobile-Edge
Computing, Social computing as well as mobile and enterprise
systems. However, many of the critical components on building
reliable, robust, and user-centric, cloud-based service-oriented
architecture applications and systems are still open for research.
Hence, it is time to face new service-oriented architecture (SOA)
research opportunities by addressing new research challenges on
emerging applications domains like smart cities, smart logistics,
smart factories and e-Health, just to mention a few.
Many of the service components are deployed on resource-limited
embedded systems and are performance sensitive; others are
deployed on cloud servers providing highly parallel services and
on edge servers in the middle of resource-limited systems and
high-end servers. Edge servers and clouds are connected through
various types of networks, including emerging network function
virtualization services.
These components are part of complex applications and systems that
span multiple execution environments.
Their capabilities are increasingly being managed and
(re)configured via emerging software-defined and elasticity
mechanisms. In addition, they have to interact with humans in
order to obtain useful human-sensing data and solve complex
problems. Thus, on the one hand, SOC may provide effective
solutions for managing the ever-increasing complexity while
meeting the challenging requirements of services on largely
distributed, heterogeneous and dynamic resource environments. On
the other hand, the exploitation of emerging trends in such
environments to build SOC applications and systems for large-scale
service-based systems is an open research challenge.
The 2019 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented
Computing and Applications (SOCA 2019) provides an international
forum for researchers from multiple disciplines to exchange and
share their experiences, ideas, and latest research results on all
aspects of service-oriented computing. The conference includes
three days of parallel-track program, special-topic workshops,
keynotes and tutorials, and panel discussion.
We invite submissions of high-quality papers describing fully
developed results or ongoing work on the following topics and
related areas:
-Service-oriented architectures, engineering, and applications
-Cloud-based service systems
-SOCA in IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems
-Service Models and Applications for Mobile-Edge Computing
-Service coordination techniques in IoT and cloud environments
-SOC-based smart process and workflow management
-Configurable, reconfigurable and software-defined service
-Data analytics and data services in and for SOC-based systems
-IoT and data marketplaces
-Smart data and service contracts
-Cognitive computing techniques for SOCA
-Social computing for and atop SOCA
-SOCA development, deployment and testing tools and methodologies
-Security and privacy for SOCA
-Dependable and trustworthy SOCA
-SOCA for smart applications (cities, transportation systems,
factories, homes and offices, etc.)
Research Article (regular track):
Paper Submission
July 27, 2019
Author Notification
August 31, 2019
Poster/Special Session:
Paper Submission
September 10, 2019
Author Notification
September 26, 2019
Registration Due:
October 10, 2019
Camera ready submission:
October 20, 2019
We seek for both research (full) and work-in-progress (short)
papers. Research papers will be submitted as PDF files, using the
IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Format (two column, 10 point,
single-spaced, US Letter, no margin smaller than one inch) with
limit of 8 pages. Research papers should explore a specific
technology problem and propose a complete solution to it, with
experimental results.
Work-in-progress papers should be limited with 6 pages, and are
expected to present either work currently in progress or less
developed but highly innovative ideas.
All papers will be reviewed by at least 3 technical committee
members. The paper can be submitted at
All accepted papers in the main tracks, workshops, special
sessions and demos/posters will be published in an IEEE Computer
Society proceedings, indexed by
- IEEE Xplore
- Scopus
- Compendex EI
- ACM Digital Library
- Google Scholar
The award committee will select Best Paper/Poster Award(s) and
present the winners with an actual frame Award Certificate at the
conference banquet.
Extended versions of selected excellent papers will be considered
for publication in special issues of prestige journals (SCI/EI
Organizing Committee
General Chairs
Jan-Ming Ho, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Anna Kobusinska, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Program Chairs
Chi-Sheng (Daniel) Shih, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Jong-Chan Kim, Kookmin University, Korea
Program Vice-Chairs
Yuh-Jye Lee, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Changqin Huang, Zhejiang Normal University, China
Publication Chair
Jaewoo Lee, Chung-Ang University, Korea
Publicity Chairs
Kyungtae Kang, Hanyang University, Korea
Carlos Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Naercio Magaia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Sotiris Moschoyiannis, Univ. of Surrey, UK
Yu Meng, Northeastern University, China
Finance Chair
Robert, Ching-Hsien Hsu, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Web Chair
Robert, Ching-Hsien Hsu, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Steering Committee
Jane YJ Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Robert Hsu, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Christian Huemer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Takayuki Ito, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Kwei-Jay Lin, University of California, Irvine, USA
Sang Hyuk Son, DGIST, Korea
Please visit the IEEE SOCA 2019 website
for the complete listing of organizing committee and TPC members.
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