-------- Original Message --------
======= Call for Papers: IDEAL'13, October 2013, Hefei, China =======
The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and
Automated Learning (IDEAL'2013)
October 20-23, 2013, Hefei, Anhui, China
The International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and
Automated Learning (IDEAL) is an annual international conference
dedicated to emerging and challenging topics in intelligent data
analysis, data mining and their associated learning systems and
paradigms. Its core themes include: the Big Data challenges, Machine
Learning, Data Mining, Information Retrieval and Management, Bio- and
Neuro-Informatics, Bio-Inspired Models (including Neural Networks,
Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence), Agents and Hybrid
Intelligent Systems, and Real-world Applications of Intelligent
Techniques. Other related and emerging themes and topics are also
The conference provides a unique opportunity and stimulating forum for
presenting and discussing the latest theoretical advances and real-
world applications in Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Data
Analysis. It also features a panel discussion on Big Data chaired by
Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou. Authors and researchers are warmly invited to
submit their latest findings and research work to the conference.
Potential session/workshop organizers are invited to enlist potential
papers in a cohesive topic for their special session(s)/workshops.
Proposals and enquiries can be sent to the Programme Co-Chair, Frank
Klawonn (f.klawonn@ostfalia.de). More details are on the next page or
can be found on the conference website
Instructions for Authors
Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts (in pdf format)
written in English by the deadline via the conference online
submission system (http://nical.ustc.edu.cn/ideal13/submission.html).
All submissions will be refereed by experts in the field based on
originality, significance, quality and clarity. All contributions must
be original, must not have been published elsewhere and must not be
submitted elsewhere during the review period. Papers should not exceed
8 pages and must comply with the format of Springer LNCS/LNAI
Proceedings. (see
Accepted papers presented at the conference will be included in the
Proceedings of IDEAL 2013, to be published by Springer in its LNCS
series, which is indexed in EI. In addition, selected papers will be
invited for special issues in several leading international journals
in the field, including the International Journal of Neural Systems
(IJNS) and Connection Science.
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: 24 May 2013
Special Session/Workshop Proposals Deadline: 26 April 2013
Notification of Acceptance: 05 July 2013
Camera-Ready Copy Due: 26 July 2013
Early Registration: 26 July 2013
Conference Presentation: 20-23 October 2013
Conference Website: http://nical.ustc.edu.cn/ideal13/
Conference History
In recent years, the IDEAL conference has been held in many countries
or continents such as Brazil (2012), England (2011), Scotland (2010),
Spain (2009), and Korea (2008). The 14th International Conference,
IDEAL 2014, will set foot to Mainland China and will be held from 20th
to 23rd October 2013, in Hefei, China, hosted by the USTC-Birmingham
Joint Research Institute of Intelligent Computation and Its
Applications (UBRI, http://ubri.ustc.edu.cn).
IDEAL'13 will be held at the Empark Grand Hotel, Anhui in Hefei, China.
Hefei, the capital of the Anhui Province, is a fine historical city
characterized by a green environment and both modern areas and
historical sights. The city is located centrally in China and about
100 miles (160 km) from Nanjing, or 300 miles (500 km) from Shanghai.
Hefei has its own airport and an excellent railway connection to many
cities of China. It is also easy to reach via airplane from Beijing.
Hefei, well known as a historic site famous from the Three Kingdoms
Period and the home town of Lord Bao, is a city with a history of more
than 2500 years. The city of Hefei is also a well-known "Green City"
across the nation. It is a fast developing city which still preserves
historical sights and has many local attractions.
============== Call for Workshops and Special Sessions ==============
Special Sessions
In addition to the regular sessions, there will be special sessions
devoted to emerging topics and areas with growing attention.
Researchers and prospective organisers are invited to submit a one-
page proposal for a special session to the special session chair
(f.klawonn@ostfalia.de) by April 26, 2013. Each proposal should
include the following information:
o The title of the special session.
o The organizers with their affiliations.
o A description of why the topic is of special interest and how
it fits to the scope of IDEAL.
Each special session preferably consists of four or more
presentations. Special sessions receiving less than 4 papers will be
merged into a suitable regular session.
Workshops focus on new and emerging topics. In contrast to special
sessions, workshops should include an introductory talk or tutorial on
the topic and will have final discussions at the end of the workshop.
Apart from the introductory talk in the discussion, Workshops should
preferably include six or more additional presentations. Researchers
or prospective organisers are invited to submit a one-page proposals
for workshops to the special session chair (f.klawonn@ostfalia.de) by
April 26, 2013. In addition to the information required for special
sessions, workshop proposal should also include the following:
o The name(s) of the presenter(s) of the introductory talk.
o A theme for the discussion.
Paper Format and Review Process
The paper format of Special Sessions and Workshops is the same as for
the main track of the conference and so is their submission and review
process (while each Special Session or Workshop can appoint its own
reviewers if necessary, in additional to the main PC). All accepted
papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
========================== Special Sessions ==========================
We are happy to announce that the following special sessions have been
approved for IDEAL'13:
Special Session on Adaptive and Learning Multi-agent Systems
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) have grown into an interdisciplinary field
that includes various tracks and embraces many previously
distinctive research areas. More and more MASs are situated in open
and dynamic environments. The changes of environments that may be
unpredictable, uncontrollable and evolving typically affect the MAS.
Recently, adaptive MAS and MAS learning have become important sub-
areas in the literature of MAS. Particularly, both of them
investigate how multiple intelligent computational agents can work
together to achieve high- level goals by adjusting themselves and
obtaining more information. Various approaches have been applied to
improve the adaptive and learning ability of MAS. MAS are still
facing challenges of scaling to large numbers of entities and real-
world tasks.
This special session on adaptive and learning multi-agent systems
will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in
adaptation and learning for multi-agent systems, and report their
latest findings.
For more information, see the special session web site
Special Session on Big Data
Recent years have witnessed the unprecedented prevalence of "Big
Data". Big Data is transforming science, engineering, medicine,
healthcare, finance, business, and ultimately, the society itself.
This year IDEAL'2013 is pleased to introduce a Special Session on
Big Data. We wish to encourage researcher to submit high-quality
original papers (including significant work-in-progress) in any
aspect of Big Data with emphasis on 5Vs (Volume, Velocity, Variety,
Value and Veracity): big data science and foundations, big data
infrastructure, big data management, big data searching and mining,
big data privacy/security, and big data applications.
For more information, see the special session web site
Special Session on Soft-Computing Algorithms in Renewable Energy Problems
In the current context of world economic crisis, Renewable Energies
are of crucial importance towards a cleaner and more sustainable
future. Several factors have recently pushed Renewable Energies,
such as recent proofs of the direct connection between global
warming and CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, the intended reduction
of greenhouse gasses thanks to the Kyoto protocol or the growing of
the risk perception after the nuclear accident in Japan in December
2011, among others.
Nevertheless, the establishment and maximum exploitation of
Renewable Energy still need a lot of work and research effort. Many
of the problems that arise in Renewable Energy are so difficult,
that traditional mathematical methods do not obtain good results.
The design of new renewable energy facilities (wind farms, solar
plants, smart and micro-grids with renewable generation, or stand-
alone systems, etc.), the correct estimation of the renewable energy
resource (wind, radiation, reservoir levels) or the optimization of
technologies to obtain more productive systems (wind turbine design,
solar panels design), are just some examples of these hard problems
related to renewable energy.
In these problems, the use of Soft-Computing approaches has been
massive in the last few years, as powerful computational methods
that obtain good results, with moderate computational effort. This
Special Session is focused on Soft-Computing approaches in Renewable
Energy problems, in a broad sense. We consider all Renewable Energy
technologies where Soft-Computing approaches can be used to improve
the final systems. Real problems and case studies are particularly
For more information, see the special session web site
Special Session on Swarm Intelligence and Data Mining (SIDM 2013)
Swarm intelligence is a recent trend in computational intelligence
and popular for the simplicity of its realizations, such as particle
swarm optimization (PSO), ant colony optimization (ACO), bee colony
optimization (BCO), and the like. As optimization techniques,
methods in swarm intelligence have been applied to many aspects in
the fields of data engineering and automated learning. For example,
as reported in the literature, PSO has been adopted to handle data
clustering, and ACO has been employed to solve the problem of
classification. On the other hand, advances in data mining, an
important section in data engineering and automated learning, also
assist optimization algorithm designers to develop better methods.
For instance, Apriori algorithm has been utilized for finding the
relationship among decision variables for optimizers. In order to
bridge the concepts and methodologies from the two ends, this
special session concentrates on the related topics of integrating
and utilizing algorithms in swarm intelligence and data mining. It
provides the opportunity for practitioners handling their data
mining issues by using swarm intelligence methodologies and for
researchers investigating swarm intelligence with data mining
approaches to share findings and look into future directions.
For more information, see the special session web site
http://sidm2013.nclab.tw (or under
================== Organizing Committee and Contact ==================
Programme Chair: Hujun Yin
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
The University of Manchester,
Manchester, M13 9PL, UK.
Tel: +44 161 306 8714
Email: h.yin@manchester.ac.uk
Programme Co-Chair: Ke Tang
USTC-Birmingham Joint Research Institute of Intelligent Computation and
Its Applications (UBRI), School of Computer Science and Technology,
University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei, Anhui, China, 230027
Tel: +86 551 3600 547
Email: ketang@ustc.edu.cn
Conference Chairs and Organizers
o General Chair: Xin Yao (X.Yao@cs.bham.ac.uk)
o Programme Chair: Hujun Yin (h.yin@manchester.ac.uk)
o Programme Co-Chairs:
- Ke Tang (ketang@ustc.edu.cn)
- Yang Gao (gaoy@nju.edu.cn)
- Frank Klawonn (f.klawonn@ostfalia.de)
- Min-ho Lee (mholee@knu.ac.kr)
o Publicity Co-Chairs:
- Emilio Corchado (escorchado@ubu.es)
- Jose A. Costa (jafcosta@gmail.com)
- Thomas Weise (tweise@ustc.edu.cn)
o Organizing Committee:
- Bin Li (Chair) (binli@ustc.edu.cn)
- Kaiming Chen (chenkm@ustc.edu.cn)
- Jinlong Li (jlli@ustc.edu.cn)
- Thomas Weise (tweise@ustc.edu.cn)
- Rui Xu (rxu@ustc.edu.cn)
o International Liaisons:
- China/Visa: Jinlong Li (jlli@ustc.edu.cn)
- Europe: David Camacho (david.camacho@uam.es)
- America: Guilherme Barreto (guilherme@deti.ufc.br)
- Australasia: Brijesh Verma (b.verma@cqu.edu.au)
o International Advisory Committee
- Lei Xu (Chair) - Yaser Abu-Mostafa
- Shun-ichi Amari - Michael Dempster
- Nick Jennings - Soo-Young Lee
- Erkki Oja - Latit M. Patnaik
- Burkhard Rost - Xin Yao
o Steering Committee
- Hujun Yin (Co-chair) - Laiwan Chan (Co-chair)
- Guilherme Barreto - Yiu-ming Cheung
- Emilio Corchado - Jose A. Costa
- Colin Fyfe - Marc van Hulle
- Samuel Kaski - John Keane
- Jimmy Lee - Malik Magdon-Ismail
- Vic Rayward-Smith - Peter Tino
- Zheng Rong Yang - Ning Zhong