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Subject: TAKE 2019 Conference | 3 -5 July 2019 | Vienna, Austria
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2018 23:21:52 +0100
From: Florian Kragulj <florian.kragulj@wu.ac.at>
Reply-To: info@take-conference2019.com
To: florian.kragulj@wu.ac.at

Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to announce TAKE 2019 – Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy – a multidisciplinary conference on the knowledge economy and society. The event will take place 3 - 5 July 2019 in Vienna, Austria.

The conference will be hosted by the Institute for Applied Research on Skilled Crafts and Trades (IAGF) and co-organized by the Research Group Knowledge-based Management at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.

After a process of selection, we ended up with 27 tracks that are listed in the attached Call for Papers. These tracks shall reflect multiple aspects of our knowledge economy.

We encourage you to submit abstracts, of between 1000 and 1500 words, until December 7th 2018. The submission should be done using EasyChair as indicated on the website.

Please ensure that your abstract relates to one of the conference tracks (or "General conference" as topic). In your abstract, please clearly refer to the following: a) purpose; b) major theoretical foundation; c) design/methodology/approach;  d) findings or conclusions; e) originality/value; f) practical and research implications

For more information please refer to the Call for Papers, visit the conference website  https://www.take-conference2019.com/  or contact us via   info@take-conference2019.com.

See you in Vienna,

Florian Kragulj
Local Conference Chair on behalf of the Conference Team

Florian Kragulj, BSc (WU) MSc PhD

Research Group Knowledge-Based Management
Institute for Information Business
Department of Information Systems and Operations

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

Building D2, Level 3  |  T: +43-1-31336-5231 (F: -905231)
Welthandelsplatz 1    |  E: florian.kragulj@wu.ac.at
1020 Vienna, Austria  |  I: www.wu.ac.at/kbm