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Betreff: [AISWorld] [AISWORLD] Special Issue on Digital Literacy
Datum: Thu, 11 May 2017 09:24:16 +0200
Von: Tendani Mawela <Tendani.Mawela@up.ac.za>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Dear Colleagues

We invite you to consider the following special issue:
Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Digital Literacy 
Reading &Writing – Journal of the Reading Association of South Africa
Guest Editors:
Hossana Twinomurinzi – University of South Africa

Tendani Mawela – University of Pretoria

Background and Focus of the Special Issue:
The rapidity with which ICT has become intertwined in the essential
fabric of society has resulted in some intentional and unintentional
consequences. This special issue seeks to bring to the surface the
myriad of influences that ICT has and could have on literacy. The aim is
to go beyond identifying the challenges but also to develop and promote
new knowledge on how digital literacy could lead to better ways of life,
work and society.
Digital literacy expands beyond technical competencies to include the
functional and communicative capabilities necessary to make sense of the
measures of worth in digital content. Inasmuch as the definition of the
term “digital literacy” is still debated from many disciplinary and
philosophical angles, it is well accepted that it is more than reading
and writing facilitated by a digital medium. For example, there are many
who cannot read and write in the traditional sense but are adept with
smartphones using images and voice. For purposes of making sense, we
embrace Jones-Kavaller and Flannigan’s (2006) definition of digital
literacy as “the ability to read and interpret media (text, sound,
images), to reproduce data and images through digital manipulation, and
to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from digital environments.”
This issue invites high-quality research which explores the new
meanings, and intended and unintended consequences of the digital era on
how literacy is now defined, communicated, enacted and promoted in a
range of educational, government, institutional, socio-cultural and
disciplinary contexts.
Topics and questions of interest include but are not limited to the
following: The emergence of a second-generation digital divide
 Theories and paradigms used as lenses through which to make sense of
digital literacy
 The implications of the tensions between digital immigrants and
digital natives
 How to measure a digitally literate person
 The social, cultural, political, educational and economic implications
of digital literacy 
 The effects of digital literacy
 Contextual comparisons between the efficacy of some digital platforms
over others for literacy
 The advantages and disadvantages of being digitally literate
 Is digital literacy a means, a cause, or even otherwise to
 How do we prepare students and society, organisations and governments
for a technological society?
 Is there really a changing calibre of students who learn differently
because of ICT?

Important Dates: Abstracts submission deadline: 30 July 2017, sent to
Hossana Twinomurinzi (twinoh@unisa.ac.za)
 Paper submissions deadline: 10 December 2017, submitted on the
 Projected publication date: 01 November 2018

Abstracts should be sent to Hossana Twinomurinzi (twinoh@unisa.ac.za).
After review, the special issue editors will invite authors to submit
their full papers on the website.
Original manuscripts should not have been submitted elsewhere and
should contain original material not published in nor submitted to other
In order to submit your paper please register on the website and create
an account online. When uploading your paper, ensure that you select
that it is being submitted for the special issue under the "RW-JRASA
Special Issue on Digital Literacy”
( http://www.rw.org.za/index.php/rw/pages/view/newsubmission) . 
For more information on the special issue and details on the submission
please see the following link:
Please feel free to c
ontact the guest editors with any other queries:
Hossana Twinomurinzi-twinoh@unisa.ac.za
Tendani Mawela- tendani.mawela@up.ac.za

Dr. Tendani Mawela 
Department of Informatics 
Faculty of Engineering; Built-Environment and 
Information Technology 
University of Pretoria 
Tel: +27 12 420-3372 
Fax: +27 12 362-5287 
e-mail: tendani.mawela@up.ac.za 
website: http://informatics.up.ac.za 
Room 5-102, IT Building, Lynnwood Road 
Pretoria, 0002 
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