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Calls for Papers (special): International Journal of Information
Technologies and Systems Approach (IJITSA)
Special Issue On: Service Computing Innovations in the Cloud, Edge
and Fog Environment
Submission Due Date
Guest Editors
Prof. Sang-Bing Tsai, University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China Zhongshan Institute, China
Prof. Lianyong Qi, Qufu Normal University, China
Dr. Yuan Yuan, Michigan State University, USA
Dr. Xuyun Zhang, Macquarie University, Australia
Dr. Chia-Huei Wu, Minghsin University of Science and Technology,
With the ever-increasing popularity of service computing
technology, a wide range of computational resources or services
(e.g., news, food and commodities) are emerging rapidly on the Web
(Dastjerdi et al., 2016; Tao et al., 2014), which benefit the
development, deployment and maintenance of lightweight
service-oriented business systems significantly (Jula et al.,
2014; Wang et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2016). Through selecting or
composing appropriate web services, an enterprise or organization
can accelerate its system development, optimize system
performances and gain more profits (Liu et al., 2017; Shih et al.,
2019; Zhang et al., 2016).
The recently emerged new computing paradigms (e.g., cloud, edge
and fog), on one hand, widen the scope of applications of services
computing technology (Deng et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2017; Mahmud
et al., 2018), on the other hand bring additional difficulties and
challenges in terms of resource load (Vaquero et al., 2014; Shi et
al., 2016), energy cost (Roman et al., 2018), link switch (Zhang
et al., 2018), quality optimization (Guan et al., 2018; Gong et
al., 2018), and so on. Therefore, it becomes a necessity to
combine the advantages of both the services computing technology
and the cloud/edge/fog computing paradigms. This special session
aims to highlight the cutting-edge research and applications
related to the “Service Computing Innovations in the Cloud, Edge
and Fog Environment”.
Dastjerdi A V, Buyya R. Fog computing: Helping the Internet of
Things realize its potential. Computer, 2016, 49(8): 112-116.
Tao F, Cheng Y, Da Xu L, et al. CCIoT-CMfg: cloud computing and
internet of things-based cloud manufacturing service system. IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2014, 10(2): 1435-1442.
Jula A, Sundararajan E, Othman Z. Cloud computing service
composition: A systematic literature review. Expert systems with
applications, 2014, 41(8): 3809-3824.
Wang S, Liu Z, Sun Q, et al. Towards an accurate evaluation of
quality of cloud service in service-oriented cloud computing.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2014, 25(2): 283-291.
Wang S, Zhou A, Yang F, et al. Towards network-aware service
composition in the cloud. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing,
Liu C, Cao Y, Luo Y, et al. A new deep learning-based food
recognition system for dietary assessment on an edge computing
service infrastructure. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing,
2017, 11(2): 249-261.
Shih Y Y, Wang C Y, Pang A C. Fog Computing Service Provision
using Bargaining Solutions. IEEE Transactions on Services
Computing, 2019.
Zhang Y, Lei T, Wang Y. A service recommendation algorithm based
on modeling of implicit demands. 2016 IEEE International
Conference on Web Services (ICWS). IEEE, 2016: 17-24.
Deng S, Huang L, Taheri J, et al. Computation offloading for
service workflow in mobile cloud computing. IEEE Transactions on
Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2014, 26(12): 3317-3329.
Wang S, Zhao Y, Huang L, et al. QoS prediction for service
recommendations in mobile edge computing. Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing, 2017.
Mahmud R, Kotagiri R, Buyya R. Fog computing: A taxonomy, survey
and future directions. Internet of everything. Springer,
Singapore, 2018: 103-130.
Vaquero L M, Rodero-Merino L. Finding your way in the fog: Towards
a comprehensive definition of fog computing. ACM SIGCOMM Computer
Communication Review, 2014, 44(5): 27-32.
Shi W, Cao J, Zhang Q, et al. Edge computing: Vision and
challenges. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2016, 3(5): 637-646.
Roman R, Lopez J, Mambo M. Mobile edge computing, fog et al.: A
survey and analysis of security threats and challenges. Future
Generation Computer Systems, 2018, 78: 680-698.
Zhang P Y, Zhou M C, Fortino G. Security and trust issues in Fog
computing: A survey. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018, 88:
Guan Y, Shao J, Wei G, et al. Data security and privacy in fog
computing. IEEE Network, 2018, 32(5): 106-111.
Gong W, Qi L, Xu Y. Privacy-aware multidimensional mobile service
quality prediction and recommendation in distributed fog
environment. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018.
This special issue pursues to improve our theoretical academic and
professional applied knowledge on the service computing
innovations in the Cloud, Edge and Fog environment, as well as on
their specific contexts for being applied separately.
Recommended Topics
Topics to be addressed in this special issue include (but are not
limited to) the following ones:
• service recommendation in cloud/edge/fog
• service selection and composition in cloud/edge/fog
• service quality evaluation in cloud/edge/fog
• security, privacy and trust in service systems
• resource load balance in cloud/edge/fog
• energy cost optimization in cloud/edge/fog
• link switch and task scheduling in cloud/edge/fog
• Light-weight service-oriented applications for smart devices
• Context (e.g., time, location…)-aware service applications
• Underlying technologies associated with big data and Internet of
• Any other related topics
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for
this special theme issue on Service Computing Innovations in the
Cloud, Edge and Fog Environment on or before December 31, 2020.
All submissions must be original and may not be under review by
All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer
review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference
All inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Prof. Sang-Bing Tsai
Guest Editor
International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems
Approach (IJITSA)
Submit a Manuscript to: Service Computing
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