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7th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation ECIME 2013 (http://academic-conferences.org/ecime/ecime2013/ecime13-home.htm)
University of Gdańsk, Sopot Campus, Poland
12-13 September 2013
Conference Co-Chairs: Prof Przemysław Lech and Prof Bernard F. Kubiak, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland
Programme Co-Chairs: Prof Dr Stanislaw Wrycza and Prof Jerzy Auksztol, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk Poland
Call for Papers, PhD Research, Case Studies, Work in Progress/Posters, Round Table Proposals, non-academic Contributions and Product Demonstrations
The European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (ECIME) provides a forum for both researchers and practitioners to come together to develop their understanding of both theory and practice in all aspects of IT/IS management and evaluation. The wide scope of ECIME reflects the increased use of technology to manage information in and between organizations of all types and sizes across the globe. ECIME 2013 will provide opportunities for people working and researching in the field to come together both formally and informally to share their knowledge and expertise.
Mini track call for papers on Green Information Systems (Green IS) (http://academic-conferences.org/ecime/ecime2013/ecime13-call-papers.htm#Howard)
Mini track chair: Grant R. Howard, University of South Africa (UNISA), South Africa
There is irrefutable scientific evidence and consensus on the negative environmental impacts caused by human activities. Given that people are completely dependent on the environment for existence and well-being, it is imperative that environmental degradation is addressed. Some of the symptoms of environmental degradation include climate change and global warming, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, water pollution and water scarcity, air and land pollution, and depleted food stocks.
This Green IS mini-track focuses on leveraging Information Systems (IS) to address environmental degradation, with an emphasis on organisational strategy and management. Green IS are IS that address environmental degradation by aiming for environmental sustainability, and Green IS research exposes salient phenomena emerging from the interaction of technical IT systems and social systems. This mini track welcomes all theoretical and empirical research involving IS for organisational, environmental sustainability.
This track is interested in but not limited to the following areas:
· IS for Green information management and evaluation;
· IS for Green strategy;
· IS for Green processes and practices;
· IS for Green supply chain management;
· IS for energy management;
· IS for environmental sustainability and competitive advantage.
Publication opportunity
Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration. The proceedings have an ISBN and details of the proceedings accreditations are listed on the conference website.
Selected papers presented at the Conference will be considered for publication in the Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation. The journal appears on several international lists. Full details are available on the conference website.
As well as full academic papers, the following submissions are welcomed:
Work in Progress/Posters Researchers are invited to submit current projects which are either at the proposals stage or are work in progress.
PhD Research: Doctoral Candidates are invited to submit papers describing their research.
Case Study Submissions; Submissions should be written to publishable standards.
Non-Academic Contributions; Contributions from individuals and organisations working in the field. These contributions can take the form of a presentation or a demonstration.
Round Table Proposals; Topical subjects proposed for discussion.
Product Demonstrations and Exhibitor Opportunities: If you are contributing to the conference in any of the above categories you can also request the opportunity to give a product demonstration. If you would like to exhibit and/or demonstrate a product at the conference we suggest that you apply for one of our exhibitor packages.
Submission details
All submission types require an abstract in the first instance. The Abstract should be a minimum of 300 and no more than 500 words including up to five keywords and keyphrases to be received by 21 February 2013. Please read the Abstract Guidelines before submitting.
Online via the submission form. Please ensure that you complete all relevant sections of the form, including the conference track the abstract is intended for, the proposed title for the paper, the full names (first name and surname, not initials) and email addresses of all authors and a postal address and telephone number for at least one contact author. Please indicate clearly if the contact author is not the lead author. http://academicconferences.org/ecime/ecime2013/ecime13-abstract-submission.htm
Full paper:
Only required after acceptance of abstract and not to be more than 5,000 words including abstract, keywords and references. Submission date will be no later than 11 April 2013. Please read the style guidelines document. Papers should be submitted as .doc or .rtf file attachments by email to the Conference Manager, Carol Sheasby with the submission checklist and copyright form..
All full papers will be double-blind reviewed by members of the conference committee to ensure an adequate standard, that the proposed subject of their abstract has been followed, that the paper is of a suitable length, the standard of English is adequate and the paper is appropriately referenced.
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: 21 February 2013
Notification of abstract acceptance: 28 February 2013
Final copy of full paper due for review: 11 April 2013
Notification of paper acceptance (subject to any requested changes): 20 June 2013
Earlybird registration closes: 4 July 2013
Final paper submission (with changes): 18 July 2013
Final author registration date: 8 August 2013
This is an abbreviated call for papers. The full call for papers can be found online at http://academic-conferences.org/ecime/ecime2013/ecime13-call-papers.htm
http://academic-conferences.org/ecime/ecime2013/ecime13-home.htm A conference managed by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited