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Betreff: [computational.science] IEEE Workshop HPCB 2016 Call for Paper
Datum: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 22:58:16 +0800
Von: Hung, Allen <clhung@gm.pu.edu.tw>
An: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science@lists.iccsa.org>

Call For Papers

The 3rd International Workshop on High Performance Computing on
Bioinformatics (HPCB 2016)
in conjunction with
The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM
Dec 15-18 2016, Shenzhen, China


Important Dates:
Electronic submission of full papers:  30 August, 2016
Notification of paper acceptance:      15 Oct., 2016
Camera-ready of accepted papers:       5 Nov., 2016
Workshop:                              15-18 Dec., 2016

Sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society


After the reference genomes of many organisms are sequenced in the
post-genetic era, an important issue is to do the re-sequencing or de novo
sequencing of individual genomes with high-throughput reads. In the recent
years, Next Generational Sequencing (NGS) technologies, such as
Illumina/Solexa, ABI/SOLiD and Roche/454 Pyrosequencing are revolutionizing
the acquisition of genomics data. NGS technologies are rapidly changing the
approach to complex genomic studies, opening the way to personalized drugs
development and personalized medicine. NGS technologies are characterized
by a massive throughput for relatively short-sequences (reads). NGS
datasets are continuing to increase in size, and even small genomic
projects now generate terabytes of data. Therefore new computational
methods are needed, specifically designed for the type and the amount of
data generated by NGS technologies, to replace earlier commonly used genome
alignment algorithms that are unable to cope with such massive amount of
data. For instants, the development of NGS is forcing a reconsideration of
the computational methods used for genome analysis, with the problems of
read mapping and genome assembly becoming much more complex (billion of
reads). The huge scale of these datasets now poses a great computational
challenge: how can we improve software pipelines to analyze data more
efficiently? In addtiona, genomic data analysis in evolutionary biology is
becoming computationally intensive that analysis of multiple hypotheses and
scenarios need hugh computing resources.

HPCB 2016 is intended to provide a forum for researchers to present their
contributions as technical papers related to the High Performance Computing
for bioinformatics and all kinds of successful and potential applications.

HPCB2016 seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but
not limited to the following topics:

*Parallel algorithm on bioinformatics
*Multi-cores and Many-cores system for NGS data analysis and applications
*GPU for NGS data analysis and applications
*Cloud computing for bioinformatics and applications
*Computational evolutionary biology
*Scalable computing for evolutionary genomics
*Database technologies for big biological dataset

We invite you to submit papers with unpublished, original research
describing recent advances on the areas related to this workshop. All
papers will undergo peer review by the conference program committee. All
papers accepted will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published by
the IEEE Computer Society Press and will be available at the workshops.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend their papers for
submission to special issues in prestigious SCI-indexed Journals.
*Evolutionary Bioinformatics  (SCI)

All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference
website with PDF format. The materials presented in the papers should not
be published or under submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 6
pages (or 10 pages with the over length charge). including figures and
references using IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style (two
columns, single-spaced, 10 fonts). You can confirm the IEEE Computer
Society Proceedings Author Guidelines at the following web page:
http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting. Please submit your
paper through for HPCB 2016.
Please submit your paper through for HPCB 2016.

Once accepted, the paper will be included into the IEEE conference
proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press.

*** Contact Information ***
Che-Lun Hung, University of Providence University, Taiwan

Che-Lun Hung Ph.D
Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering
Providence University
200 Chung Chi Road, Shalu Dist.,
Taichung City 43301, Taiwan
Email: clhung@pu.edu.tw
Tel: +886-4-26328001 ext 18312
Fax: +886-4-26530041