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Subject: [AISWorld] [HICSS] - ONE MONTH REMAINING - Consider submitting to the minitracks on "Disaster Information, Technology and Resilience in Digital Government"and "Information and Communication Technologies for crisis and emergency management"
Date: Wed, 15 May 2019 09:24:17 -0400
From: Frederick BENABEN <frederick.benaben@mines-albi.fr>
To: Frederick Benaben <benaben@mines-albi.fr>, Julie Dugdale <Julie.Dugdale@imag.fr>
CC: Murray Turoff <murray.turoff@gmail.com>, Mihoko Sakurai <msakurai@glocom.ac.jp>, Elsa Negre <elsa.negre@dauphine.fr>, nunamaker@cmi.arizona.edu, Andrea H. Tapia <atapia@ist.psu.edu>, John Bertot <jbertot@umd.edu>, rbriggs@mail.sdsu.edu

Dear friends and colleagues,

One month from now will be the (hard) deadline to submit article to the HICSS conference (one of the most prestigious conference in our domains: CORE A, WoS, Scopus, etc.).
HICSS (http://hicss.hawaii.edu/ <http://hicss.hawaii.edu/>) is the longest standing scientific conference in the information systems and technology field. Since 1968, it has attracted high caliber scholars and professionals in academia, industry and government agencies around the world to present their cutting edge research. During the past five decades, research papers presented at HICSS have promoted innovations and advanced the development in the information systems and technology at the global scale. The conference is organized in tracks, containing minitracks. Next January 2020 (7-10), HICSS-53 will be held in Gran Wailea, Maui.

We (Frederick, Julie, Andrea, Mihoko, Elsa and Murray) are running two very interesting mini-tracks related to crisis management:

- Within the "Digital Government" Track (http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-53/digital-government/ <http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-53/digital-government/>), Andrea Tapia (Penn State University, USA), Mihoko Sakurai (International University of Japan, Japan) and Frederick Benaben (IMT Mines Albi, France) as primary contact, will co-chair the mini track on "Disaster information, technology and resilience in digital government".

- Within the « Collaboration Systems and Technologies" Track (http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-53/collaboration-systems-and-technologies/ <http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-53/collaboration-systems-and-technologies/>), Elsa Negre (Université Paris Dauphine, France), Murray Turoff (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA) and Julie Dugdale (Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble, France) as primary contact, will co-chair the mini track on "Information and Communication Technologies for crisis and emergency management".

These minitracks are actually very complementary:
Both are dealing with any aspect of the analysis, design, development, deployment, implementation, integration, operation, use or evaluation of ICT for disaster responses, disaster information management, and resilience communities. Both are really interested in innovative and break-through visions regarding disaster information, technology and resilience.
Basically, these mini tracks are interested in very mature research papers as well as high potential innovative early ideas. in the broad field of ICT for crisis management and resilience.
One very important aspect:
- The mini track on "Disaster Information, Technology and Resilience in Digital Government" focuses on ICT and technologies for crisis/disaster management and resilience for institutions and governmental/public organizations (including the roles and interactions with citizens, volunteers, victims, etc.).
- The mini track on "Information and Communication Technologies for crisis and emergency management" focuses on ICT and technologies for crisis/disaster management and resilience for non-governmental organizations and Industrial/private actors (including the roles and interactions with citizens, volunteers, victims, etc.).
In any case, don’t worry, just submit to the track you feel would fit your research works the best and we will contact you if we suggest some adjustment.


Both these tracks are very well recognized minitracks of HICSS with a high rate of attendance (last year more than 40 persons attended each of these tracks).
A TV crew even came to film a presentation during the mini track on "Disaster Information, Technology and Resilience in Digital Government".
Besides, there are fast track to journals (http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-53/fasttrack/ <http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-53/fasttrack/>) for high quality papers from HICSS 53.

You can find all informations related to the author instructions here: http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-and-minitracks/authors/ <http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-and-minitracks/authors/>

Paper submission deadline is JUNE 15 (11:59pm HST)

Please, feel free to contact us would you have any question. You can also access the HICSS-52 proceedings: https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/59440 <https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/59440>
Best regards to all of you,

Elsa, Murray and Julie, Andrea, Mihoko and Frederick

Prof. Frederick BENABEN

Visiting Senior Research Scientist
Georgia Institute of Technology
H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Physical Internet Laboratory
Groseclose 326

Industrial Engineering Center / Centre Génie Industriel
Interoperability of Organizations / Interopérabilité des Organisations
Office 1A02b
Tél. : +33 (0)5 63 49 32 97 / +33 (0)6 83 20 23 08
Skype : frederick.benaben
Twitter : @FBenaben
Campus Jarlard
81013 Albi CT Cedex 09
<http://www.mines-albi.fr/> <https://twitter.com/minesalbi> <https://fr-fr.facebook.com/mines.albi> <https://plus.google.com/111525064771175271294> <http://blogrecherche.wp.mines-telecom.fr/>

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