-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CALL FOR PAPERS: IEEE WORLD CONGRESS ON SERVICES (SERVICES 2020) (JULY 7-11, 2020 BEIJING, CHINA) Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2019 10:39:59 -0500 From: Atukorala, Nimanthi atukoral@augsburg.edu To: Nimanthi Atukorala atukoral@augsburg.edu
JULY 7-11, 2020 BEIJING, CHINA https://conferences.computer.org/services/2020/
The 2020 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES) will be held on July 7-11, 2020 in Beijing, China. The Congress is solely sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society under the auspice of the Technical Committee on Services Computing (TCSVC). The scope of the Congress will cover all aspects of services computing and applications, current or emerging. It covers various systems and networking research pertaining to cloud, edge and Internet-of-Things (IoT), as well as technologies for intelligent computing, learning, big data and blockchain applications, while addressing critical issues such as high performance, security, privacy, dependability, trustworthiness, and cost-effectiveness. The Congress will also include symposia and workshops supporting deep-dive discussions on emerging important topics, and complement the Congress program with industry and application presentations and panels. Authors are invited to prepare early and submit original papers to any of these conferences at www.easychair.org. All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. Accepted and presented papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. The 2020 Congress will host the following conferences and symposia:
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2020) https://conferences.computer.org/cloud/2020/
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2020) https://conferences.computer.org/icws/2020/
IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2020) https://conferences.computer.org/scc/2020/
IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services (SMDS 2020) https://conferences.computer.org/smartdataservices/2020/
IEEE 2nd Digital Health as a Service Symposium (DHAASS 2020) https://conferences.computer.org/services/2020/symposia/dhaass.html
***PAPER SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS*** Please visit https://conferences.computer.org/services/2020/cfp/callforpapers.html for paper
format and paper submission instructions for conferences being held under the IEEE Services
Congress umbrella.
***IMPORTANT DATES*** Early Paper Submission: December 2, 2019 Regular Paper Submission: February 13, 2020 Notification of Acceptance: April 6, 2020 Camera-Ready Papers Due: April 20, 2020
***CONTACT INFORMATION*** For general inquiries about IEEE Services Congress, please send an email to: ieeecs.services@gmail.com
For questions regarding submissions to specific conferences, please email the organizers for that
conference: CLOUD: ieeecs.cloud@gmail.com ICWS: ieeecs.icws@gmail.com SCC: ieeecs.scc@gmail.com SMDS: ieeecs.smds@gmail.com
Please visit https://conferences.computer.org/services/2020/ for more information.