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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP 15th Workshop on Social and Human Aspects of Business Process Management (BPMS2’22)
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2022 14:23:37 +0000
From: Rainer Schmidt <Rainer.Schmidt@live.com>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

The 15th Workshop on Social and Human Aspects of Business Process Management (BPMS2’22)

As part of BPM 2022
20th International Conference on Business Process Management

September 13, 2022, Münster, Germany

Call for Papers
Deadline for workshop paper submissions: June 5, 2022

Workshop Theme

The involvement of human aspects into Business Process Management takes place both on a social and
individual level. Social information systems [1] such as social media, Enterprise 2.0, and social platforms
are spreading quickly in society, organizations, and economics. Enterprises use social information
systems to improve their business processes and create new business models. The integration of
business process management and social information systems becomes more and more widespread.
New approaches for using social information systems with business process management
appear frequently.

Social information systems are used both in external and internal business processes. Companies can co-create products and services, e.g., companies integrate customers into product development to capture
ideas and features. Thus, communication with the customer is increasingly bidirectional. The integration
of business process management and social information systems enables the creation of new business
models using social platforms. Social platforms enable the creation of cross-side network effects and
therefore called two- or multi-sided markets [2] Prominent examples are TripAdvisor, UBER, and AirBnB.

By using the value-creating mechanisms of social information systems, business models became
possible, which were not realizable before. E.g., the AirBnB uses a crowdsourcing model for quality
control by using users’ reviews of apartments. In this way, a quality assessment of products and services
became possible that was too costly so far.

Social information systems also create new possibilities to enhance internal business processes by
improving the exchange of knowledge and information, to speed up decisions, etc. Social information
systems enable value-creating interactions such as weak ties, social production, egalitarianism. These
value-creating interactions open new possibilities and potentials for the design of processes. Weak ties
enable the flexible integration of process participants, social production paves the way for the bottom-up definition of business processes, and egalitarian decisions change how decisions are made in business
processes. The use of value-creating interactions is tightly intertwined with new forms of involvement of
human beings into business process management.

Human aspects complement the social perspective on business process management. The fact that more
and more enterprises are using business process management implies that the human individual is
involved in a multitude of business processes. Individuals must cope with multiple process contexts and
thus, must administer data appropriately. It is necessary to reflect on Human-Human interactions and
responsibility, in a virtual/digital environment where everything becomes information. Digital assistants
such as Alexa integrate individuals in processes that could not interact with conventional computers. In
this way, new forms of interaction between processes and humans arise. Furthermore, individuals must
integrate the external business processes into their work environment or even to couple several external
business processes. Human aspects of business process management relate to the individual who
creates a process model, to the communication among people, during and after the process execution,
and to the social process of collaborative modeling. They also relate to the interaction / collaboration /
coordination / cooperation that should be implemented in the business process or to specific human-related aspects of the business process itself and their representations in models.
Before this background, the goal of the workshop is to explore how social information systems integrate
with business process management, and how business process management may profit from this
integration. Furthermore, the workshop investigates the human aspects introduced into Business
Process Management by involving human actors. Examples are the use of crowdsourced knowledge and
tasks, the need for new user interfaces, e.g., augmented reality and voice bots.

The workshop will discuss three topics. Social Business Process Management, Social Business and
Platforms, and Human Aspects of Business Process Management. Social Business Process Management
is the use of Social information systems to support one or multiple phases of the business process life

1. Social Business Process Management (SBPM)
- Social information systems in the BPM lifecycle e.g., Design, Deployment, Operation, and Evaluation
- BPM methods and paradigms to cope with Social information systems
- Influence of weak ties, social production, egalitarianism, and mutual service provisioning on BPM
- Trust and reputation in business processes management carried through Social information systems
- Influence of weak ties, social production, egalitarianism and mutual service provisioning in the design and management of business processes?
- Integration of Social information systems with WFMS or other business process support systems?
- Conceptual modelling for knowledge intensive and social business processes?

2. Social Business and Social Platforms: Social information systems supporting business processes
- New opportunities offered by Social information systems for the support of business processes
- Social platforms and their support for business processes and new business models
- Value (co-)creation in social business and social platforms
- Sociality requirements of business processes according to their nature (predictable/non predictable; production/collaborative/ad hoc)
- Use of Wikis, Blogs etc. to support business processes
- Reflections on Human-Human interactions and responsibility, in a virtual/digital environment where everything becomes information : Social networks, social engineering, discernment, reflection vs. reflex, ethics, responsibility, citizenship.
- Fitting between types of Social information systems and phases of the BPM lifecycle
- New trends in business knowledge modelling leveraged by social production

3. Human Aspects of Business Process Management
- Concepts, technologies, and services to support individuals acting in business processes
- Digital Assistants such as Google, Alexa, Siri etc. in business process management and business processes
- Reflections on Human-Human interactions and responsibility, in a virtual/digital environment where everything becomes information : Social networks, social engineering, discernment, reflection vs. reflex, ethics, responsibility, citizenship.
- Human-centric business processes
- Human resource management in business processes (workloads, skills, preferences, affinities, context, mobility, etc …)

Based on the fourteen previous successful BPMS2 workshops since 2008, the goal of the BPMS2’22
workshop is to promote the integration of business process management with social information
systems and social software and to enlarge the community pursuing the theme.

Workshop paper format

Position papers of up to 2500 words are sought. Position papers that raise relevant questions, or describe
successful or unsuccessful practice, or describe experience will all be welcome. Position papers will be
assigned a 20-minute presentation. Short papers of up to 1000 words can also be submitted and will be
assigned a 10-minute presentation.


Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for presentation in any of the areas listed above. Only
papers in English will be accepted. The length of full papers must not exceed 12 pages (There is no
possibility to buy additional pages). Position papers and tool reports should be no longer than 6 pages.
Papers should be submitted in the new LNBIP format (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-
164-7-487211-0). Papers must present original research contributions not concurrently submitted
elsewhere. The title page must contain a short abstract, a classification of the topics covered, preferably
using the list of topics above, and an indication of the submission category (regular paper/position
paper/tool report).

Please use Easychair for submitting your paper: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bpm2022
The paper selection will be based on the relevance of a paper to the main topics, as well as upon its quality
and potential to generate relevant discussion. All the workshop papers will be published by Springer as a
post-proceeding volume (to be sent around 4 months after the workshop) in their Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series.

All papers will be published on workshop wiki (www.bpms2.org) before the workshop, so that everybody
can learn about the problems that are important for other participants. A blog will be used to encourage
and support discussions. The workshop will consist of long and short paper presentations, brainstorming
sessions and discussions. The workshop report will be created collaboratively using a wiki. A special issue
over all workshops will be published in a journal (decision in progress).

Important dates

Deadline for workshop paper submissions:
June 5, 2022
Notification of Acceptance:
July 6, 2022
Camera-ready papers deadline:
July 16, 2022
September 13, 2022

Primary Contact
Rainer Schmidt
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Phone: +49 89 1265 3740
Fax: + 49 89 1265 3780

Selmin Nurcan
Sorbonne Management
School - University Paris 1
Centre de Recherche en
Informatique (CRI)

[1] Rainer Schmidt, Rainer Alt, and Selmin Nurcan, “Social Information Systems,” in Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences (Hawaii, 2019), 2642–2646, accessed January 26, 2018,

[2] T. Eisenmann, G. Parker, and M. W. Van Alstyne, “Strategies for Two-Sided Markets,” Harvard Business Review 84, no. 10
(2006): 92–101.
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