-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] 3DTV-CONFERENCE 2010 - Call For Papers
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 22:00:15 +0200 (EET)
From: gudukbay@cs.bilkent.edu.tr
To: WI@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de

                  Apologies for cross-postings


                     3DTV-CONFERENCE 2011
                       THE TRUE VISION
                       16-18 MAY 2011

                       CALL FOR PAPERS

Capturing 3D scenery, processing the captured data for storage
and transmission, and displaying the result  for  creating  3D
visual sensation are the main functional components of a  3DTV
system. 3DTV-CON 2011 is the 5th in  a  series  of  successful
conferences bringing together researchers and developers  with
diverse experience and activity in distinct, yet complementary,
areas in relation to 3D television.

The conference involves a wide range of  disciplines including
image and video  processing,  computer  vision  and  graphics, 
telecommunications,   electronics,  optics     and    physics.  
Professionals from these areas are cordially invited to attend
3DTV-CON 2011 and take part in its activities. The  conference 
will consist of  tutorials, plenary  talks,  and  special  and
regular  sessions  on  the conference themes as listed below.

3D Capture and Processing: 3D  capture  and reconstruction for 
static and dynamic scenes, design and implementation of  novel 
camera systems,  multi-modal  sensor  data  processing  for 3D 
reconstruction and tracking, mixing of virtual and real worlds,
3D  head  pose  and   gaze  tracking,  signal  processing  for 
diffraction and holographic 3DTV.

3D Coding and Transmission: Novel  systems  and  architectures 
for 3DTV transmission, multi-view video coding, compression of
depth  and  disparity maps, meshes, holograms, and light fields, 
error resilience and  concealment techniques, audio coding for 
3DTV, advances in quality of service.

3D  Visualization  and  Interaction:  Stereoscopic  and  auto-
stereoscopic    display    techniques,   holographic   display 
technology, integral imaging techniques, underlying optics and 
VLSI technologies, novel representation techniques for 3D data, 
novel forms of interaction with 3DTV, human factors and health
 effects of 3D vision.

3D  Applications:   3D  television,   cinema,  and  games,  3D 
tele-immersion  and remote collaboration, virtual heritage and 
virtual archaeology, augmented and virtual reality environments, 
medical  and  biomedical  applications,  digital  signage,  3D 
content-based retrieval and recognition.

Paper submission 
Prospective authors  are  invited  to  submit original papers, 
four-pages  long,  in  double-column  format including authors'
names,  affiliations,  and  short  abstract.  Papers  will  be 
collected only by electronic submission through the conference 
site www.3dtv-con.org.  The proceedings will  be  archived  by 
IEEE   Xplore,  following   the   practice   of   the previous 

Important Dates
Special session proposal deadline.......: December 2, 2010 	
Regular paper submission deadline.......: December 15, 2010
Notification of paper acceptance........: February 10, 2011
Camera-ready paper submission deadline..: March  9, 2011
Conference..............................: May 16-18, 2011

Further information is available at: www.3dtv-con.org.


General Chairs
Ugur Gudukbay           Bilkent University, TR
Levent Onural           Bilkent University, TR   

Program Chairs 
Tanju Erdem             Ozyegin University, TR 
Atanas Gotchev          Tampere University of Technology, FI 

Advisory Board 
Reha Civanlar           Ozyegin University, TR
Matthew Cowan           RealD, USA
Kazumasi Enami          NICT, Japan
Bahram Javidi           University of Connecticut, USA
Byoungho Lee            Seoul National University South Korea
Joern Ostermann         Leibniz University of Hannover, DE 
Hans-Peter Seidel       Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik, DE 
Thomas Sikora           Technische Universitaet Berlin, DE 
Masayuki Tanimoto       Nagoya University, Japan 
A. Murat Tekalp         Koc University, TR 
Anthony Vetro           MERL, USA 
Jisang Yoo              Kwangwoon University, South Korea

Publications Chair 
Ali Ozer Ercan          Ozyegin University, TR 

Special Sessions Chair 
A. Aydin Alatan         Middle East Technical University, TR 

Tutorial Chair 
Ahmet Kondoz            University of Surrey, UK 

Publicity Co-chairs 
Gozde Bozdagi Akar      Middle East Technical University, TR 
George Triantafyllidis  Technological Educational
                        Institution of Crete, GR 

Industry Liaisons 
Ibrahim Sezan           Sharp Laboratories, USA 
Dusik Park              Samsung, South Korea 

Local Organizing Committee 
Fahri Yaras             Bilkent University, TR 
Erdem Sahin             Bilkent University, TR 
Erdem Ulusoy            Bilkent University, TR 
Kivanc Kose             Bilkent University, TR 
Ali Ozgur Yontem        Bilkent University, TR

Web Master 
Onur Onder              Bilkent University, TR
Ahmet Kermen            Ozyegin University, TR

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Administrator: wi-admin@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi