-------- Original Message --------
Agile 2011 - Research at Work
August 7-13, 2011, Salt Lake City, USA
The New Ideas and Emerging Results workshop is a new and exciting
part of the Research at Work track of Agile 2011. This workshop
will provide an excellent opportunity to present opinions, ideas and
suggestions for future research in the field.
We invite researchers to contribute position papers suggesting
research that would add to the body of knowledge on agile methods
and processes, agile teams and people, and the tools and practices
that support them. We are looking for papers that present current
work-in-progress or proposals for new research directions.
Submissions from experienced researchers, students and
practitioners will be equally welcomed.
We particularly aim at bridging the gap between research and
practice by active engagement with the accepted research proposals,
alongside relevant partners from the agile practitioner community.
This will provide a great opportunity to develop your ideas with
others and get direct feedback on how to make the research relevant
and accessible to a broader audience.
New ideas and emerging results papers will be published in the
electronic proceedings and indexed in IEEE Xplore. Position papers
are limited to 4 pages and must follow the IEEE Proceedings format (http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting).
Author information must be removed from submissions. Submissions
must be in PDF format.
Important dates:
- Submission deadline: 25 February 2011
- Author notification: 15 April 2011
- Camera-ready version due: 1 May 2011
Papers must be submitted electronically through EasyChair:
New Ideas and Emerging Results Coordinators
Sallyann Freudenberg, Freelance Agile Coach, UK
Johanna Hunt, University of Sussex, UK
Research at Work Stage Co-Producers
Nils Brede Moe, SINTEF, Norway
Torgeir Dingsøyr, SINTEF, Norway
Program Committee
Pekka Abrahamsson, University of Helsinki, Finland
Silvia Acuña, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Muhammad Ali Babar, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Venugopal Balijepally, Prairie View A&M University, USA
Robert Biddle, Carleton University, USA
Kieran Conboy, National University of Ireland, Galway
Yvonne Dittrich, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Tore Dybå, SINTEF, Norway
Sallyann Freudenberg, Freelance Agile Coach, UK
Juhani Iivari, University of Oulu, Finland
Andreas Jedlitschka, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Karlheinz Kautz, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Philippe Kruchten, University of British Columbia, Canada
Gwanhoo Lee, American University, USA
Kim Man Lui, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Michele Marchesi, University of Cagliari, Italy
Angela Martin, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Frank Maurer, University of Calgary, Canada
Grigori Melnik, Microsoft, USA
Maurizio Morisio, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Sridhar Nerur, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
James Noble, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Minna Pikkarainen, VTT, Finland
Jan Pries-Heje, Roskilde University, Denmark
Václav Rajlich, Wayne State University, USA
Bala Ramesh, Georgia State University, USA
Hugh Robinson, Open University, UK
Carolyn Seaman, University of Maryland, USA
Kurt Schneider, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Helen Sharp, Open University, UK
Darja Smite, Blekinge Insittute of Technology, Sweden
Bjørnar Tessem, University of Bergen, Norway
Richard Vidgen, University of New South Wales, Australia
Xiaofeng Wang, Lero, Ireland
Agustín Yagüe, Technical Universify of Madrid, Spain