-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] EuroMPI 2011 Call For Papers
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:59:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: adanalis@eecs.utk.edu (Antonios Danalis)
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science@lists.iccsa.org>

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]

    *  EuroMPI 2011 Call for Papers  *
    *                                *
    *  Santorini, Greece             *
    *  September 18-21, 2011         *
    *                                *
    *  www.eurompi2011.org           *


EuroMPI is the primary meeting where the users and developers of MPI and other message-passing programming environments can interact. The 18th European MPI Users' Group Meeting will be a forum for the users and developers of MPI, but also welcome hybrid programing models that combine message passing with programming of modern architectures such as multi-core, or accelerators. Through the presentation of contributed papers, poster presentations and invited talks, attendees will have the opportunity to share ideas and experiences to contribute to the improvement and furthering of message-passing and related parallel programming paradigms.

Topics of interest for the meeting include, but are not limited to:

    * Algorithms using the message-passing paradigm
    * Applications in science and engineering based on message-passing
    * User experiences in programming heterogeneous systems using MPI
    * Tools and environments for programming heterogeneous systems using MPI
    * MPI implementation issues and improvements
    * Latest extensions to MPI
    * MPI for high-performance computing, clusters and grid environments
    * New message-passing and hybrid parallel programming paradigms
    * Interaction between message-passing software and hardware
    * Fault tolerance in message-passing programs
    * Performance evaluation of MPI applications
    * Tools and environments for MPI

Submissions on applications demonstrating both the potential and shortcomings of message passing programming and specifically MPI are particularly welcome.

Proposals for co-located workshops are welcome. EuroMPI 2011 will also hold an outstanding papers session, where the best papers selected by the program committee will be presented.


Important Dates:

 * Submission of full papers and poster abstracts: May 8th, 2011
 * Author Notification: June 12th, 2011
 * Camera Ready papers due: July 10th, 2011
 * Tutorials: September 18, 2011
 * Conference: September 19-21, 2011


 General chair:
Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee, USA)

Program co-chairs:
Yiannis Cotronis (University of Athens, Greece)
Anthony Danalis (University of Tennessee, USA)
Dimitris Nikolopoulos (University of Crete, Greece)

Finance chair:
Dimitris Nikolopoulos (University of Crete, Greece)

Local arangement chair:
Yiannis Cotronis (University of Athens, Greece)

Program Committee:
Richard Barrett
Gil Bloch
George Bosilca
Aurelien Bouteiller
Ron Brightwell
Yiannis Cotronis
Erik D'Hollander
Anthony Danalis
Bronis De Supinski
J.-C. Desplat
Frederic Desprez
Jack Dongarra
Edgar Gabriel
Francisco Javier García Blas
Markus Geimer
Al Geist
Brice Goglin
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan
Sergei Gorlatch
Andrzej Goscinski
Richard Graham
William Gropp
Thomas Herault
Torsten Hoefler
Joshua Hursey
Yutaka Ishikawa
Tahar Kechadi
Rainer Keller
Stefan Lankes
Alexey Lastovetsky
Pierre Lemarinier
Ewing Lusk
Tomas Margalef
Jean-François Mehaut
Bernd Mohr
Raymond Namyst
Christoph Niethammer
Dimitrios Nikolopoulos
Rolf Rabenseifner
Michael Resch
Casiano Rodriguez-Leon
Robert Ross
Frank Schmitz
Martin Schulz
Jeff Squyres
Rajeev Thakur
Vinod Tipparaju
Carsten Trinitis
Jesper Larsson Träff
Jan Westerholm
Roland Wismüller