UMAP 2014 Doctoral Consortium - Call for Papers
22nd International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation,
and Personalization - Aalborg, Denmark, 7-11 July, 2014
The UMAP 2014 Conference, following a tradition started in
1994, will include a Doctoral Consortium Session, which
provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and
develop their research interests under the guidance of a panel
of distinguished research faculty. Doctoral students are
invited to apply to present their research to scholars and
researchers in the field who will provide constructive
comments about their work.
The doctoral consortium is implemented as a student
mentoring program that introduces students to senior
researchers in the relevant fields.
Students are expected to document in a brief submission
their doctoral research (see SUBMISSION INFORMATION for
further details), which will be evaluated by the consortium
committee. Good quality applications will be selected to be
presented at a dedicated workshop as part of the conference.
Promising, but less well-developed applications will be
selected for presentation at a poster session. Each student
with an accepted application will be assigned a mentor who
will provide feedback on the student's work and will discuss
the doctoral research with the student and the audience at the
Topics include (but are not limited to) the areas listed on
the UMAP 2014 website:
- User modelling, adaptation and personalization in the social
- User modelling, adaptation and personalization in the era
of big data
- User modelling, adaptation and personalization in the era
of pervasive computing
- Infrastructures, architectures, and methodologies
- Human factors and Models
- Personal and Societal issues
To apply for the UMAP 2014 doctoral consortium, students
are asked to submit an abstract of their doctoral research
that describes:
- the problem being addressed
- the motivation for addressing the problem
- the main contributions that the dissertation aims to
- the progress made to date (including a clear description
of the proposed approach) and the plan of further research
- related work.
Students should also include the stage they are in the PhD
program, and a brief description of their background in order
to enable the committee to adapt its assistance to each
Papers must be submitted via the DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM
The length of the abstract is limited to 6 pages.
Accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference
Proceedings, which will be published as a book by Springer.
Funding for selected students with accepted contributions
may be available to cover some travel and accommodation
expenses. More details will be provided on the conference web
site as soon as funds will be available.
Submission deadline: March 7, 2014.
Acceptance notifications: March 28, 2014.
Camera-ready version: April 14, 2014.
PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be extended)
Liliana Ardissono, Italy
Maria Bielikova, Slovakia
Peter Brusilovsky, USA
Ivan Cantador, Spain
Federica Cena, Italy
Marco de Gemmis, Italy
Cristina Gena, Italy
Li Chen, Hong Kong
Eelco Herder, Germany
Pasquale Lops, Italy
Kathleen McCoy, USA
Melike Sah, Ireland
Marko Tkalcic, Austria
Olga Santos, Spain
Nava Tintarev, UK
Ingrid Zukermann, Australia
For more information, please contact the DC chairs:
Francesco Ricci, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
(email to:
Dr. Ben Steichen
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Computer Science
University of British Columbia
2366 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC
V6T14Z, Canada