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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP Int. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2019) - Posters & Demos Session - Salvador, Brazil - November 4-7, 2019
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 07:34:31 -0300 (BRT)
From: Renata Guizzardi <rguizzardi@inf.ufes.br>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org


The ER Posters & Demos Session 2019 is intended to showcase work in progress in the field of conceptual modeling, covering any of the conference’s topics. This session will provide an opportunity to present and discuss emerging methods and technologies with researchers and practitioners, allowing the presenters to gather relevant feedback regarding their ongoing work.

** Posters ** should present visionary ideas and/or innovative research projects for which at least some preliminary results are available. We accept works in a relatively early stage, not necessarily including a complete validation.

**Tool Demonstrations (Demos for short)** regard the exhibition of innovative software prototypes or full-fledged systems for developing, communicating and implementing conceptual models. The tools may originate from research initiatives or from industry.

Author Guidelines
Poster & Demo papers must present original, novel research and tools, or a significant extension of previously presented works. In the latter case, there must be clear evidence of the value added to the previous version of the work, e.g., by describing the innovative parts and/or application of the work or tool. The papers are limited to 5 pages and must adhere to Springer’s LNCS submission formatting guidelines (for instructions and style sheets, see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html ). They should be submitted in PDF format through the Poster & Tool Demonstration link in the ER 2019 EasyChair page, available at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=er2019 .

Suggested paper structure:
* Title, authors and affiliation. * Abstract: a brief description of the work/tool, together with a statement on how the conference participants will benefit from getting to know it, and for what target audience it will most likely be of interest. * Significance to the conceptual modeling field: in case of posters, describe the novel ideas and how they advance the state of the art in conceptual modeling. Moreover, provide a brief illustration of the work; for demos, describe the innovations of the tool to the ER community and its main features. If applicable, include a brief description of case studies performed using the tool, provide scalability data or pointers indicating where readers can find more information about these case studies. • Maturity: information illustrating the maturity of the work, including if it has gone through any preliminary evaluation, and if it is already in use. * Link: if available, a link to a web page where more information of the work is provided; in case of a demo, this could be a link for tool download and instructions of use. * Screencast: for demos, a link to a screencast demonstrating the tool, preferably including voice – maximum of 20 minutes/video.

Publication and Presentation
All submissions will be reviewed by an international program committee. Accepted papers will be published as online CEUR proceedings.
Each paper will be presented using a one-minute teaser in a short session, aimed at informing the audience about the available posters & demos. The actual presentation will then be held in one or more separate sessions, in a way that the audience can freely walk around and visit the posters & demos of interest. Therefore, physical presence of at least one presenter for each paper is mandatory.
The reviewing committee and the track audience will vote on the best poster and the best demo to be granted award certificates.

Important Dates
Poster & Demos Paper Submission: 30/06/2019
Author Notification: 15/07/2019
Camera-ready: 31/07/2019

Poster & Demo Chairs
Renata S.S. Guizzardi, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Daniela Barreiro Claro, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil

Program Committee
Fatma Başak Aydemir, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
Fernanda Baião, PUC-RJ, Brazil
Nelly Condori-Fernández, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
Giovanni Giachetti, Universidad Andres Bello, Chile
Martin Henkel, Stockholm University, Sweden
Jennifer Horkoff, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Beatriz Marín, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
Patricia Martin-Rodilla, CSIC, Spain
Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Anna Perini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Carme Quer, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Manuel Resinas, University of Seville, Spain
Marcela Ruiz, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Sagar Sen, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Vítor Estêvão Silva Souza, UFES, Brazil
Jose Luis de la Vara, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
Manuel Wimmer, TU Vienna, Austria

Renata S.S. Guizzardi Núcleo de Estudos em Modelagem Conceitual e Ontologias (NEMO) - http://nemo.inf.ufes.br/ Laboratório de Tecnologias de Apoio a Redes de Colaboração (LabTAR) - http://www.labtar.net.br Living Lab Habitat - http://www.labtar.net.br/site/habitat/ Departamento de Informática, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brasil http://www.inf.ufes.br/~rguizzardi/ 

Renata S.S. Guizzardi Ontology and Conceptual Modeling Research Group (NEMO) - http://nemo.inf.ufes.br/ Living Lab Habitat - http://www.labtar.net.br/site/habitat/?lang=en Computer Science Department, Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES), Brazil http://www.inf.ufes.br/~rguizzardi/ 
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