-------- Original-Nachricht --------
The 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
Track: Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Knowledge
Mini-Track: BI and Analytics in Intelligence and Security
Savannah, GA, USA - August 7-10, 2014
Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) is a
cross-disciplinary field defined as the development of advanced
information technologies, systems, algorithms, and databases for
international, national and homeland security related
applications, through an integrated technological,
organizational, and policy-based approach. Recent developments
of big data and business analytics in business and public
organizations have aroused attention to the various issues on
ISI. For example, the rapid rise of social media has impacted
the Middle-Eastern regions' political stability, supported
social movements in the U.S. immigration reform and border
security, and triggered stock market fluctuation in a recent
hoax about White House explosions. New techniques and
applications of ISI are desperately needed to overcome
challenges in growing volumes and varieties of social media and
organizational data. Meanwhile, industries and governments
demand high-caliber human talents to support their ISI
initiatives. New pedagogies, teaching materials, and curriculums
at the university level are needed. In this mini-track, we
solicit high-quality, original research papers that address a
variety of ISI issues using design science, behavioral, or
organizational approaches.
******** Submission Instructions *********
Submission Deadline: March 1, 2014 (Midnight, Eastern
Standard Time)
Author Notification: April 4, 2014
Revision submission: April 18, 2014
Camera ready submission deadline: April 25, 2014
Paper submissions must be made electronically through the
AMCIS on-line submission system (
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2014 ).
Please select the mini-track titled "BI and Analytics in
Intelligence and Security Informatics."
Selected best papers will be fast-tracked for publication in
a special issue of Journal of Information Privacy and Security (
a high-quality, refereed academic journal indexed by Cabells
AMCIS Minitrack Co-chairs:
Wingyan Chung, Shahram Amiri, and Joseph Woodside
Department of Decision and Information Sciences
School of Business Administration, Stetson University