-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] ETHICOMP 2010 Datum: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 11:54:00 +0100 (BST) Von: CCSR Web Master ccsr@dmu.ac.uk Antwort an: CCSR Web Master ccsr@dmu.ac.uk An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
The "backwards, forwards and sideways" changes of ICT
Rovira and Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain
Wednesday 14 April to Friday 16 April 2010
Call for Papers to the 11th ETHICOMP conference
The ETHICOMP conference series was launched in 1995 by the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR). Professor Terry Bynum and Professor Simon Rogerson are the founders and joint directors. The purpose of this series is to provide an inclusive forum for discussing the ethical and social issues associated with the development and application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Conferences are held about every 18 months. There have been ten previous conferences in Europe and beyond. Delegates and speakers from all continents have attended. Over 700 papers have been presented.
As Alvin Toffler wrote "change is non-linear and can go backwards, forwards and sideways. ETHICOMP 2010 has the overall theme of "The backwards, forwards and sideways changes of ICT". Society has changed dramatically over the last sixty years with the advent of ICT. Some ICT-related changes have been good and have moved society forward, others were bad and caused harm, while some appear to have had no ethically relevant effect at all, simply moving us sideways. In developing and adding ICT, the ethical dimension must be considered so the potential positive, negative and neutral impacts on society, organisations and individuals can be understood and appropriate action taken.
It is this overall theme which will be considered at ETHICOMP2010. Under this theme, papers, with a social/ethical perspective, within the following areas are particularly welcomed.
SOCIAL - how ICT has impacted the way in which we spend our time. To include, for example: # computer and video games # tourism # social networks # virtual education # privacy
GOVERNMENT - how governments use and control ICT to provide services to the public. To include, for example: # e.government # e.democracy and e.voting # regulation and legislation # health and welfare # inclusion
BUSINESS - . How businesses utilise technology to realise goals in an ethically acceptable manner. To include, for example: # e.commerce # workplace monitoring # virtual workforce # computer-controlled automation
TOOLS - What are the implications of advances in technology tools and approaches? To include, for example: # forensic computing # robotics and cyborgs # artificial intelligence # development methodologies # security
Papers covering one or several of these perspectives are called for from business, government, computer science, information systems, law, media, anthropology, psychology, sociology and philosophy. Interdisciplinary papers and those from new researchers and practitioners are encouraged. A paper might take a conceptual, applied, practical or historical focus. Case studies and reports on lessons learned in practice are welcome.
How to submit
As in previous ETHICOMP conferences, papers written in English and not published nor submitted elsewhere will be accepted on the basis of an extended abstract of between 800 and 1000 words after a careful review by Programme Committee members. Whilst more than one paper from an author or co-authors is welcomed the final decision on which papers are accepted will probably lead to no more than three papers from a given author being accepted. This will give more opportunity for as many people as possible to participate in ETHICOMP 2010.
The first page of each submission must include the title, all of the authors' names, affiliations, complete mailing addresses including email, telephone numbers, and a statement of commitment that one of the authors will present the paper at ETHICOMP 2010 in Spain.
A submission lacking any of the above information or outside the range of 800-1000 word limit may not be considered by the Programme Committee for inclusion in the conference programme.
Please make submissions in the electronic form via email as embedded plain text or an attachment in RTF format.
Abstracts must be submitted no later than 24 July 2009 to ccsr@dmu.ac.uk. Authors will be informed of the decision of the Programme Committee by 28 September 2009.
Important Dates
1 April 2009 - Call for papers 24 July 2009 - Latest date to submit abstracts to ccsr@dmu.ac.uk 28 September 2009 - Authors informed of programme committee decisions 15 January 2010 - Last date for receipt of full papers from authors (electronic version) 14 April to 16 April 2010 - ETHICOMP 2010, Rovira and Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain
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