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Subject: IEEE Globecom 2002 Symposium on Service Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprise Environments Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 14:26:36 +0900 From: B Brachlow bbrachlow@gmx.de To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
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IEEE Globecom 2002 Symposium on Service Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprise Environments
Submission Deadline: February 25, 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
1. General Chairs
Jong T. Park (Korea), park@ee.knu.ac.kr Masayoshi Ejiri (Japan), ejiri@jp.fujitsu.com
2. Program Co-Chairs
Dan Keun Sung (Korea), dksung@ee.kaist.ac.kr Pradeep Ray (Australia), p.ray@unsw.edu.au Seshadri Mohan (U.S.A.), smohan@optonline.net Fawzi Daoud (Germany), f.daoud@ieee.org
3. Endorsing Technical Committees
Technical Committee Information Infrastructure (TCII) Enterprise Networking (EntNet)
4. Brief Description of the Symposium
Enterprise networks and telecommunication information infrastructure are now facing dramatic changes due to evolution of technologies, such as IP, Mobile wireless, open application programming interfaces, and distributed computing environments. Virtual Enterprises use the Internet based e-business infrastructure to dynamically form, start, operate, or dismantle organizations depending on business requirements. All these activities are performed very quickly over the network by electronic means. The evolving communication infrastructure (wired, wireless, static and mobile) and computing infrastructure (operating systems, databases, middleware) are constantly evolving to meet the requirements of virtual enterprises. They offer a number of challenges in implementing business level contracts and processes in software.
A range of distributed software services are now evolving to support to meet these challenges. These software services combine with the emerging communications and computing technologies to enhance the service infrastructure for virtual enterprises. Thanks to the dwindling costs of networking, these services are also being used for SOHO (Small Office Home Office) and Virtual Home Environments. Researchers are now working on developing futuristic nomadic computing environments that will combine the flexibility of time along with the flexibility of location offered by virtual enterprises (anywhere anytime).
The symposium aims to bring together engineers, scientists, as well as industry professionals actively involved in related issues including Virtual Enterprise(VE) services, infrastructure for VE, global service portability (Virtual Home Environments), Mobile Customer Premises Environments/Networks (MCPE/MCPN)), Pervasive Computing, Mobile-Commerce, Open Architectures, APIs, service integration in Mobile/Fixed Internet, technology for service Mobility/Portability, application for VE, etc., and to discuss the above issues.
Hence the scope of this symposium is fairly broad. Papers are invited in both theoretical and practical (including case studies and experiences) perspectives of the analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of various types of service infrastructure for virtual enterprises.
5. Topics of Interest
The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
A.1 : Architectures and implementations for Virtual Enterprise(VE) Services (virtual offices, virtual homes, virtual classes, etc) A.2 : Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) A.3 : Location independent services Service control protocols in all IP Networks (H.323, SIP, MEGACO) A.4 : Seamless IP-based service integration across fixed/mobile and corporate/public networks A.5 : Auto-configuration, programmability for micro/macro/multi-domain mobility A.6 : Internet vs. telecom based service control architectures A.7 : Fixed/mobile networks integration and interworking A.8 : Integration of terrestrial and satellite networks A.9 : Options for mobility management in 3G systems (Mobile IP, IN, OSA, etc) A.10 : Architectural issues for mobility support: IP/Internet, GPRS, IMT-2000, UMTS, IN, TINA, SIP, H.323 A.11 : Terminal mobility between heterogeneous networks (2G/3G, private/public, indoor/outdoor) A.12 : Personal mobility between heterogeneous networks (Universal Personal Telecommunications, Universal Personal Computing) A.13 : Interworking and integration of terminal mobility and personal mobility A.14 : Interworking and integration of personal mobility and service portability A.15 : Modeling and performance evaluation of integrated terminal mobility, personal mobility, and service A.16 : Architecture & design for VE A.17 : Architecture & design for MCPE/MCPN A.18 : APIs-based solutions (Parlay, 3GPP Open Service Architecture (OSA) for service portability A.19 : Service portability based on Mobile Execution Environment (MexE, JAVA) A.20 : Inter-Service environment roaming architecture and solutions A.21 : Inter-Network roaming architecture and solutions to enable VE A.22 : Interoperability in multi-provider access networks A.23 : Scalability and adaptation of user terminal to services and platforms A.24 : Agents, middleware support, and enablers for VE A.25 : Address and naming portability related to VE A.26 : QoS profiling, billing and Security issues in ensuring VE A.27 : Related standards (3GPP, MWIF, 3G.IP, ETSI, IETF..) A.28 : Others Instructions for Authors:
Paper submissions should be written in English, no more than 5 pages in length, and in accordance to the submission guideline available at Globecom submission process and instructions (AUTHOR KIT). In addition to the technical content, please include a cover page with the following information: name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), contacting authoráãs address, phone number, fax, E-mail, and Symposium name with Topics of Interest listed above. Technical papers should be submitted to the Globecom Committee at http://www.globecom2002.com.tw/submissions. In order to ensure that your paper is properly routed to this Symposium, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you select Symposium on Service Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprise Environments.
6. Important Dates
Submission Deadline: February 25, 2002 Acceptance Notification: June 30, 2002 Camera ready Due: August 15, 2002
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