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The 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2010)
December 12-14, 2010
Hong Kong, China
Hosted by:
Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong
and the International WISE Society
The aim of this eleventh edition of the conference series on Web Information Systems Engineering
is to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners
to share their knowledge in the rapidly growing area of Web technologies, methodologies and
applications. Previous WISE conferences were held in Hong Kong, China (2000), Kyoto, Japan (2001),
Singapore (2002), Roma, Italy (2003), Brisbane, Australia (2004), New York, USA (2005), Wuhan,
China (2006), Nancy, France (2007), Auckland, New Zealand (2008), and Poznan, Poland (2009).
- 4 keynote speeches
- Beng Chin Ooi (the National University of Singapore)
- Edward Chang (Google Research China)
- Christian S. Jensen (Aarhus University)
- Kyu-Young Whang (KAIST)
- 51 selected papers (32 full papers and 19 short papers)
- 4 WISE co-located Symposium and Workshops
Registration (http://conference.cs.cityu.edu.hk/wise2010/wise2010_reg_form.pdf) has opened.
The early bird registration deadline is 12 Nov, 2010.
The conference venue is Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel. More information can be found at:
It is advisable to make a hotel reservation as soon as possible.
For more details on this, please visit at
Keynote Speeches
Title: Providing Scalable Database Services on the Cloud
Speaker: Beng Chin Ooi
Professor of Computer Science at School of Computing,
the National University of Singapore (NUS)
Title: Search and Social Integration
Speaker: Edward Chang
Google Research China
Title: Elements of a Spatial Web
Speaker: Christian S. Jensen
Professor of Computer Science,
Aarhus University, Denmark
Title: The Ubiquitous DBMS
Speaker: Kyu-Young Whang
Distinguished Professor and Professor of Computer Science,
WISE co-located Symposium and Workshops
The 1st International Symposium on Web Intelligent Systems & Services (WISS 2010)
The 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Business Collaboration (MBC 2010)
The 1st International Workshop on Cloud Information System Engineering(CISE 2010)
The 1st International Workshop on Web-Supported Concurrent Collaborative Work (WSCCW 2010)
WISE Program
The WISE 2010 conference offers a full social program, including the conference welcome
reception and the conference banquet.
It provides the following sessions
Session 1a: Web Service
Session 1b: Social Networks
Session 2a: Web Data Mining
Session 2b: Keyword Search
Session 3a: Web Search (I)
Session 3b: Web Data Modeling
Session 4a: Recommender Systems
Session 4b: RDF and Web Data
Session 5a: XML and Query Languages
Session 5b: Web Search (II)
Session 6a: Web Information Systems
Session 6b: Information Retrieval and Extraction
Conference Co-chairs
Qing Li, City U of Hong Kong
Karl Aberer, EPFL, Switzerland
Dennis McLeod, USC, USA
PC Co-chairs
Lei Chen, HKUST, Hong Kong
Peter Triantafillou, U of Patras, Greece
Torsten Suel, NYU Poly, USA
Organization Chair
Hong Va Leong, PolyU, Hong Kong
Workshop Co-chairs
Dickson Chiu, Dickson Computer Sys., Hong Kong
Ladjel Bellatreche, ENSMA-Poitiers U, France
Publicity Co-chairs
Hua Wang, U Southern Queesland, Australia
Raymong Wong, HKUST, Hong Kong
Stephane Jean, Poitiers U, France
Feifei Li, Florida State U., USA
Finance Chair
Xiaohua Jia, City U of Hong Kong
Steering Committee Representatives
Yanchun Zhang, Victoria U, Australia
Xiaohua Jia, City U of Hong Kong
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