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Betreff: [AISWorld] Deadline approaching - 4 days left to submit to the Internet of Wearable Things Workshop (IoWT'2016) - co located with IUI 2016
Datum: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 11:18:43 +0200
Von: Tsvika Kuflik <tsvikak@is.haifa.ac.il>
Antwort an: tsvikak@is.haifa.ac.il
Organisation: University of Haifa
An: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org

Internet of Wearable Things Workshop (IoWT'2016)
March 10, 2016. Sonoma, California.
Co-located with IUI'2016.

Call for papers:
The IoWT workshop is the first workshop that is aimed at focusing on
wearable-computing and its intersection with the Ineternet-of-Things (IoT)
for the creation of innovative solutions. This focal point is in good fit
with the IUI conference overall aim to blend between HCI and the AI
communities, and also between academia and industry. Consequently, the
proposed workshop is aimed at bringing together researchers and
practitioners interested in wearable-computing based applications, including
also the interesting interplay between this emerging field and the more
mature areas of mobile and ubiquitous computing. 

The blending of IoT and wearables enables the creation of new solutions that
combine data of multiple sensors and data stores as the basis for a more
intimate and timely interaction with the user, and high level of situational
awareness. Special attention may be given to the creation of innovative
solutions, not only applicable to consumers, but also to the enterprise.
This can possibly be the basis for newly created business services. 

>From the scientific point of view, the enablement of new wearable-based
solutions requires synergy among multiple disciplines, such as Machine
Learning, Signal Processing, Human-Computer Interaction, Data and Knowledge
Representation, Information Visualization, Computational Neurosciences, and
even Education. For example, there are many implications to mental and
emotional signals that can be revealed via the use of wearables (e.g., EEG,
heart-rate variability, GSR) as a means to determine whether the user is
capable of performing her tasks, let it be a field worker, a combat pilot, a
stock broker, or an elder user living alone. 

>From the practical point of view, it is critical to not only study the
theoretical foundations but also accumulate and generalize the knowledge
that is gathered by industry in building corresponding technological
infrastructures, methods, and tools to ease the development and operation of
wearable-centric solutions across different markets (e.g., wellness &
healthcare, banking, insurance, security & safety, transportation).

We invite researchers and practitioners from the corresponding fields to
submit papers that investigate the different perspectives underlying the
most recent advances pertaining to the intersection between wearable-enabled
computing and the IoT, with a focus on enabling enterprise innovation. We
aim at discussing the current state of ongoing research, novel approaches,
with intention to also provide a stimulating focused platform for sharing
practical experiences and business models (e.g., bring your own wearable

The list of topics that is relevant to the Internet of Wearable Things
includes, but is not limited to:

* Wearable and ubiquitous computing.
* Wearable-computing delivery platforms for the enterprise.
* Wearables and nearables as-a service.
* Wearable data analytics for multiple / parallel / massive data streams.
* Human-activity recognition.
* Human-behavior / capability augmentation.
* Gesture and pattern detection.
* Brain-computer interaction.
* Multi-modal / multi-sensory / immersive interactions.
* Body-worn sensors, cameras, head-mounted displays.
* Semantic integration of multiple data streams.
* Body-worn device advances.
* Wearable-based enterprise applications and services.
* Mobile back-end as-a hub/gateway.
* Low-power / energy efficient computing. 
* Wearable technology adoption and business models.
* Wearable-computing related API economy / standards / protocols /
* Sensor networks, mesh, BANs, and ad-hoc computing.

Workshop papers will be published in a joint CEUR proceedings (
<http://ceur-ws.org/> http://ceur-ws.org/).

Paper submission:
Papers should be up to 8 pages in length. 
All submissions must be formatted using the SigCHI format and submitted via
the easyChair system at  <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iowt2016>
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iowt2016. Use either the Microsoft
Word template or the LaTeX template. All papers must be submitted as a PDF
file. The workshop program committee will review all submitted papers.
Accepted papers may be published online at the conference web site.
Submission implies that at least one author will register and attend the
conference if the paper is accepted.

Key Dates:
* Workshop papers submission deadline: 18 December 2015
* Workshop papers notification deadline: 20 January, 2016
* Workshop camera-ready papers deadline: 5 February, 2016
* Workshop: 10 March 2016

Best Regards,

The IoWT program co-chairs team,
Lior Limonad (liorli@il.ibm.com), IBM Research
Joel Lanir (ylanir@is.haifa.ac.il), University of Haifa
Massimo Mecella (mecella@dis.uniroma1.it), Sapienza University of Rome
Tsvi Kuflik (tsvikak@is.haifa.ac.il), University of Haifa

IoWT 2016 workshop CFP





Tsvi Kuflik, PhD.

  Associate Professor

  The University of Haifa

  Email: tsvikak@is.haifa.ac.il

  Home page: http://sites.hevra.haifa.ac.il/tsvikak/

  Tel: +972 4 8288511

  Fax: +972 4 8288283
