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Research on Future Internet Enterprise Systems
and Scientific Foundations of Enterprise Interoperability
An International Competition
Future Internet Enterprise Systems play an important role in the quest of European enterprises to become more competitive, enlarge their target markets, and develop innovative products and services, while transforming towards new business models. Within this quest, Enterprise Interoperability (EI) has been a thriving applied research domain, studying the problems related to the lack of interoperability in the organizations, and proposing novel methods and frameworks for enterprise integration and collaboration problems. However, in spite of the research methods and tools developed so far, the scientific foundations for EI that would permit their generalization and complete reuse, have not yet been established.
In this context, the ENSEMBLE project (http://www.ensemble-csa.eu), funded by the European Commission, aims to coordinate research activities in the domain of Future Internet Enterprise Systems (FInES). Furthermore, ENSEMBLE aims to study systematically and formalize Enterprise Interoperability (EI) as a scientific domain, by combining systemic approaches, scientific multi-disciplinarity and a community-driven mentality.
Objectives of the Call
With this call for contributions, ENSEMBLE aims to attract high-quality innovative contributions, in the form of short papers that depict sound positions and views for either:
a. State of the art, new research fields and/or forward-looking challenges in the area of Future Internet Enterprise Systems. Each contribution should address one or more of the following questions:
* Why is research in the proposed field important in relation to enterprise environments?
* Which are the necessary research activities to be carried out in Future Internet Enterprise Systems? Which scientific gaps are they addressing?
* Taking into account the complexity of enterprise environments, which aspects are essential for the support of novel and reusable enterprise practices?
* What Future Internet enterprise applications could be envisaged by 2020, based on the research activities described? What is the anticipated benefit which may arise from the proposed research field?
b. Innovative approaches and formal methods addressing the foundation of Enterprise Interoperability science. Each contribution should address one or more of the following issues for Enterprise Interoperability:
* Foreseen basic research and foundational principles on interoperability
* Formal methods to describe interoperability problems and solutions
* State of the art in scientific methods for interoperability
* Populations of formal descriptions, generalization of approaches
* Scientific methods for interoperability in specific sectors and vertical domains
* Impact assessment, simulation methods and tools
* Proposals for academic curricula on interoperability
* Proposals on the value proposition and marketing of the scientific offerings for enterprise interoperability
New fields for Future Internet Enterprise Systems and Enterprise Interoperability are especially sought.
While the main focus of the contributions is on research approaches, the submission of position papers on the Enterprise Interoperability Science Base track outlining the history of established scientific disciplines, such as computer science, software engineering and services are also encouraged.
Award Scheme:
Up to 5 authors of the best papers submitted under this call will be invited to join the ENSEMBLE Expert Scientific Committee. Members of this committee have a key role in providing their expertise in specific research areas, in participating in the workshops that will be conducted during the project, and in presenting their comments and feedback to the project deliverables.
Beside the prestige and the opportunity to shape the EU research agenda on the Future Internet, each member of the Expert Scientific Committee will receive a sum of 2,500 EUR to fund participation in the activities of the project.
Submission Guidelines:
All submissions must be between 2,000 and 3,000 words, following the LNCS format: http://www.springer.com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/word.zip?SGWID=0-0-45-72919-0
Submissions by more than one author are welcome; however only the coordinating author (as indicated in the submission) of the selected paper will be invited to join the ENSEMBLE Expert Scientific Committee.
Please submit your contribution via e-mail to ensemble-csa@epu.ntua.gr together with a short biography of 150 words for each of the authors.
All selected contributions will be published in the ENSEMBLE website after the announcement of results.
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of position papers: 1st November 2010
Announcement of results and best papers: 15th November 2010
More information can be found at www.ensemble-csa.eu
Dr. Yannis Charalabidis
Assistant Professor, University of Aegean
Head, eGovernment & eBusiness Research
Decision Support Systems Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens
Email: yannisx@epu.ntua.gr
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