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Dear colleagues,
The topics addressed by the BPMDS series are focused on business
processes and their IT support. One of the major aims is to
discuss and to learn about concepts and techniques to enhance the
ability to engineer software systems closer the business
This year’s topic theme, “Reflections on human-human interaction
and responsibility in a virtual environment” reflects the
abundance of virtual environments in all domains of our lives.
Since 2012, a special issue is organised per year in the
International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM)
with the extended papers invited from the BPMDS working
The papers should be submitted through the conference management
system available at
Happy and Healty New Year !
Selmin Nurcan, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Rainer Schmidt, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Adriano Augusto, University of Melbourne, Australia
The 23d International Working Conference on Business Process
Modeling, Development, and Support (BPMDS'2022)
held in conjunction with CAiSE’2022
6-7 June 2022, Leuven, Belgium
Submission deadline: March 7th, 2022
- Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE).
BPMDS is linked on an ongoing basis to the CAiSE conference series
since 2011.
- International Federation for Information Processing Working
Group 8.1 (IFIP WG 8.1).
- Springer. BPMDS proceedings are published in a Springer LNBIP
proceedings volume, "Enterprise, Business-Process and Information
Systems Modeling”, since 2009.
The Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS)
working conference has been held for more than two decades,
dealing with, and promoting research on BPMDS. It has been a
platform for a multitude of influential research papers. In
keeping with its tradition, the working conference covers a broad
range of theoretical and application-based research on BPMDS.
This year’s topic theme, “Reflections on human-human interaction
and responsibility in a virtual environment” reflects the
abundance of virtual environments in all domains of our lives.
Technologies are here. Are we ready to use those technologies in
an extremely connected world where false information spreads
faster than the true one with detrimental consequences? Are we
mature enough to process the information as fast as the computers
provide them? What is the meaning of a “like” in a professional
environment when the ”thing” which has been “liked” was not
precisely read or understood? How should we enhance business
process engineering, modeling, and management to master this
increasing complexity? How could/should human-computer interfaces
support the issues related to increasing reflexes (fast clicks) to
the detriment of reflection? A pilot who is using a flight
simulator during her training is aware that this is a virtual and
fictitious platform, and she is confident that she will use the
competencies she is acquiring in this virtual and fictitious
environment, later in the physical world; the new competencies
will be partly due to the mistakes made using the flight
simulator. On the opposite, is the surfer, who likes or comments
in an online social network, totally aware that she acts in the
“real world” (not a fictitious one) when she clicks? Is she aware
of her responsibility?
Virtual does not mean fictitious. Using virtual environments
expands our capabilities/frontiers of action in the real world
(“real” in opposition to “fictitious”). E.g., using voice-based
assistants such as Amazon Alexa allows integrating people who have
been excluded (because of their handicap) by graphical user
interfaces from using software systems so far. Digital
technologies enable the creation of new business models. E.g.
platforms such as Airbnb integrate huge numbers of external
resources. An important factor to accomplish this is the
provisioning of information on these resources and evaluating
their quality. Both can only be accomplished by collecting this
information with digital means. Consequently, we are more and more
drastically responsible for what we produce as information.
Organizations and the world are going through huge transformations
due, in large part, to information technologies and their direct
and indirect impacts. These transformations impact frontally the
information systems, which support the business processes of
organizations, and therefore the actors in carrying out their
activities/missions. The speed of organizational and societal
transformations requires continuous improvement and innovation
processes. Creativity and responsibility are determining factors
and require detailed and multi-faceted knowledge of the problem to
handle and of the context. The unpredictability of the related
transformations (and more particularly their detrimental effects)
requires more than ever a systemic vision in the (i) engineering
and governance of information systems and (ii) in the engineering
and architecture of business processes ecosystems the latter have
to support.
The opportunities for evolution and transformation assume the
ability to capture, store, organize, search and analyze large
volumes of information and put us in front of many new challenges:
meeting and mastering the requirements of volume, speed, variety,
veracity, the value of data, comply with data protection laws, and
be fully aware of (and responsible for) the components of the new
VUCA world (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity).
We are all responsible as engineers, researchers, professors, and
citizens. We need human intelligence more than ever.
We are inviting you
- To discuss and reflect on human-human interaction and
responsibility in a virtual environment where everything becomes
information: Social networks, social engineering, discernment,
reflection vs. reflex, ethics, responsibility, citizenship.
- To identify the value of all kinds of business process models as
artifacts for helping us to reflect on those challenges.
- To bring new artifacts in process modeling related to those new
challenges to enhance the ability of organizations and humans to
act and cooperate as structured as possible and as flexibly as
The topic theme is mandatory for Idea Paper submissions. All other
submissions are free to address any topic related to the fields of
Business Process Modeling, Development and Support, which include
but are not limited to:
- Social networks
- Social engineering
- Discernment, reflection vs. reflex
- Ethics, responsibility, citizenship
Idea papers and experience reports reflecting on the Covid-19
pandemic are welcome.
The topic theme is mandatory for Idea Paper submissions, all other
submissions are free to address any topic related to the fields of
Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support, among which
- Theoretical foundations for analysis and modeling of business
- Variability and adaptability of business process models
- Methods for the process of process modeling and its
- Social information systems and their applications
- Process mining
- Business process change management and governance issues
- What are the potential links between digital innovation and BPM
(i.e., business process engineering, modeling and management) ?
- Awareness about the connected nature of business processes: a
business process is not an isolated island
- Capability to better understand and analyze the systemic
behavior of a network of business processes thanks to artefacts
(models, visualizations)
- Standard and non-standard perspectives on business processes,
especially concerning data incorporation and analysis
- Meta-model and notation extensions
- New modeling languages and notations
- Domain-specific modeling languages
- Reference models
- Business process modeling in cyber physical environments
- New paradigms and architectures for Business Process executions,
such as object-aware, data-intensive
- Location and context-dependence of business processes.
- Cross-organizational processes
- Data-intensive business processes
- Systemic view of business processes
- Theoretical foundations for simulating or executing business
- Context-aware work allocation in business processes
- Actor support vs. control support in business processes
- How can digital transformation impact agile BPM?
- How do digital assistants impact BPM?
- Enhancing creativity in business processes
- Privacy preserving, social responsibility, ethical aspects
- New platforms such as blockchains and smart contracts
Paper Abstract Submission (recommended): March 4th, 2022
Submission deadline: March 7th, 2022
Notification of acceptance: April 1st, 2022
Camera-ready papers due: April 11th, 2022
Conference dates: 6-7 June, 2022, Leuven, Belgium
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Prospective conference participants are invited to submit a paper
that concerns the topics mentioned above and all other topics
related to business process modeling, development, and support.
Three categories of submissions are welcome:
(1) Full research papers (technical papers or empirical evaluation
papers) should report results in an advanced stage, including at
least partial evaluation.
(2) Experience reports present work completed or being completed
in the context of a real-life organization. The work should have
some practical goals, and present lessons learned that can be
applied in a generalized context.
(3) Idea papers related to the focus theme “Reflections on
human-human interaction and responsibility in a virtual
environment”; should address completely new research positions or
approaches, demonstrating the shortcomings of current methods,
tools, meta-models, etc.
Full papers with up to 15 pages long or short papers with up to 8
pages can be submitted to these categories. The work must be
unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere.
Papers should be submitted in Adobe PDF format. Submissions should
use the guidelines provided in
https://sites.google.com/view/bpmds/bpmds2022/submission and
adhere to the formatting instructions at
Please submit your paper in PDF format through the conference
management system at
Note that the topic theme “Reflections on human-human interaction
and responsibility in a virtual environment” is suggested to make
this year’s edition of BPMDS a special forum for this theme,
however, it is mandatory for “idea paper” submissions only.
Accepted submissions will be presented during the working
conference, and will be published in a Springer LNBIP proceedings
After the BPMDS’2022 conference, selected papers can be published
as extended versions in a special issue of the International
Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM,
The previous special issues are: BPMDS’21 in progress, BPMDS’20 in
progress, BPMDS’19 in SoSyM, 20(5), October 2021; BPMDS’18 in
SoSyM, 19(6), November 2020; BPMDS’17 in SoSyM, 19(3), May 2020;
BPMDS'16 in SoSyM, 18(2), April 2019; BPMDS'15 in SoSyM, 17(2),
May 2018; BPMDS'14 in SoSyM, 16(3), July 2017; BPMDS'13 in SoSyM,
15(2), May 2016; BPMDS'12 in SoSyM, 14(3), July 2015; BPMDS’11 in
IJISMD, 4( 2), 2013; BPMDS’10 selected paper in REJ, 17(2), 2012;
BPMDS’09 in IJISMD, 2(2), 2011; BPMDS’08 in JSME 24(3), 2012;
BPMDS'07 in IJBPIM, 4(2), 2009; BPMDS'06 in IJBPIM, 3(1), 2008;
BPMDS'05 in SPIP, 12(1), 2007; BPMDS'04 in SPIP, 10(4), 2005 &
REJ, 10(3), 2005, BPMDS'02 in BPMJ, 11(6), 2005.
Adriano Augusto, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Selmin Nurcan, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Rainer Schmidt, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Maitre de Conferences HDR HC Ex/ A. Prof. Dr. habil. in Computer Science and Information Systems
Directeur Masters MSI: SIC, MIKS, Executive MSIC
The University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne has been running for the
last 25 years, a highly successful Masters programme (SIC - apprenticeship): specializations in
Business analysis / Big data / Cybersecurity
that also offers for the 13th year an English-taught programme (MIKS - apprenticeship): specializations in
Capability Engineering Management / Complex Systems and Strategy
The 23d edition of the BPMDS series, in conjunction with CAiSE 2022
Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support Working Conference
June 6-7, 2022, Leuven, Belgium
The 15th edition of the BPMS2 series, in conjunction with BPM 2022
Social and Human aspects of Business Process Management
September 13, 2022, Munster, Germany
The 16th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science RCIS 2022
17 - 20 May, 2022, Barcelona, Spain
*Surface mail*
Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon - Sorbonne
Ecole de Management de la Sorbonne
Centre Broca
21, rue Broca 75240 Paris cedex 05 FRANCE
Tel : 33 - 1 53 55 27 13
Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon - Sorbonne
Centre de Recherche en Informatique
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