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Special Issue on
Human Computer Interaction Perspectives on Industry 4.0
to be published at the
Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
*** Since 2012 also in Scopus ***
*** Since 2015 also in Emerging
Sources Citation Index and Web of Science
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of
the journal, please donate:
Guest Editors:
• Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
• Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Graz University of Technology,
• Mario Aehnelt, Fraunhofer IGD, Rostock, Germany
Important dates:
• Deadline:
April 30, 2018
• Notification to the authors: June 10, 2018
• Camera ready paper: June 30, 2018
• Publication of the special issue: end of July, 2018
Information technologies in the form of networked things,
automation, data analytics and artificial intelligence allow for
evolutionary and revolutionary progress in industry (Industry
4.0). On this focus day we connect technical and human factors
aspects by discussing deep learning as one of the game changing
algorithms, methods and technologies for Industry 4.0, and the
impact on how industrial work will be conducted in the future.
Topics of Interest
The seven main scientific topics considered in this special issue
• Cognitive support and cognitive automation for human
understanding and decision processes
• Visual support by augmented or virtual reality for complex data
or knowledge-intensive work tasks
• Smart learning or situated learning for a professional and
self-regulated work life in production and assembly
• Data usability for workers supporting intuitive handling of
complex and heterogeneous data
• Division of work between humans and machines in the Industry
4.0. What are the capabilities of computers? What should be done
by humans? What are the unique competences of humances and
• Mobile assistence for supportin human on the shop floor.
Potentials, challenges and visions for flexible, mobile assistance
• Experierence of workers with new technologies in smart
industrial environments
Submission guidelines and procedure
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be
original and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in
.rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A
authors' guidelines
Authors' guidelines
Link to the paper submission page:
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose Domain Subjects under:
"IxD&A special issue on: Human Computer Interaction
Perspectives on Industry 4.0)
More information on the submission procedure and on
the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the
IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility
of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact any of the
guest-editors below and mark the subject as:
IxD&A special issue on: Human Computer Interaction
Perspectives on Industry 4.0.
• klamma [at] dbis [dot] rwth-aachen [dot] de
• mario [dot] aehnelt [at] igd-r [dot] fraunhofer [dot] de
• vpammer [at] know-center [dot] at
*** IxD&A in figures ***
View stats:
Forthcoming issues:
• Spring 2018
also a focus section on:
Future Directions of UX Studies:
Learning from Best Practices
Guest Editors: Anna-Katharina Frison,
Florian Lachner, Andreas Riener, Ingrid
• Autumn 2018
Alternance Schemes
and Dual
Education: Models,
Criticalities and
Guest Editors:
Carlo Giovannella,
Stefania Manca,
Alke Martens
with a focus
section on
'Inquiring the way
we inquire'
Guest Editors:
Ines Di Loreto
and Elena
Winter 2018
'SLERD 2018: The
interplay of data,
technology, place
and people
Guest editors:
Antonio Cartelli,
Hendrik O. Knoche,
Elvira Popescu
with a focus
section on:
'Beyond Computers:
Wearables, Humans,
And Things -
Guest Editors:
Gerrit van der
Veer, Achim Ebert,
Nahum Gershon,
Peter Dannenmann