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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP ITOT/BUSTECH 2019 - Venise mai 2019
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 13:31:22 +0000
From: Hadaya, Pierre <hadaya.pierre@uqam.ca>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Leshob, Abderrahmane <leshob.abderrahmane@uqam.ca>, Marchildon, Philippe <marchildon.philippe@uqam.ca>

BUSTECH 2019, The Ninth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology (http://www.iaria.org/conferences2019/BUSTECH19.html)
May 05, 2019 to May 09, 2019 - Venice, Italy

Important Datelines
- Submission: March 10, 2019
- Notification: March 30, 2019
- Registration: April 8, 2019
- Camera ready: April 8, 2019

Contribution Types
- Regular papers [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Short papers (work in progress) [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Posters: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Posters: slide only [slide-deck posted on www.iaria.org]
- Presentations: slide only [slide-deck posted on www.iaria.org]
- Demos: two pages [posted on www.iaria.org]

Special track: ITOT: Information Technology-enabled Organizational Transformation

Organizational Transformation (OT) is about substantially changing an organization's structure and/or practices (Orlikowski, 1996). An IT-enabled OT, in turn, refers to a substantial change to an organization’s structure and/or practices that is caused or supported by Information Technology (IT) (Besson and Rowe, 2012).

The objective of this special track is to contribute to the body of knowledge that helps scholars and practitioners increase their collective understanding of:

(1) What are the different forms and dynamics of IT-enabled OT (including those at the individual and group level);
(2) Why IT-enabled OT come about;
(3) How IT-enabled OT can be managed and governed;
(4) How the people can be engaged in IT-enabled OT, and
(5) What are the positive and negative outcomes of IT-enabled OT.

We welcome both design and behavioral research in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the creation and appropriation of the information technologies that cause or support organizational transformation.

Topics relevant for submissions include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Development of frameworks for classifying the various forms and types of IT-enabled OT
* Development of theoretical models to improve our understanding of the IT-enabled OT process
* Development of methodological anchors to support the conduct of research on IT-enable OT
* Enterprise architecture to support IT-enabled OT
* Business process reengineering to support IT-enabled OT
* Business process management to support IT-enabled OT
* Agency of organizational actors impacted by IT-enabled OT
* Engaging and governing IT-enabled OT
* Changing organizational culture and IT-enabled OT
* Case studies describing and explaining IT-enabled OT
* Risks, barriers and benefits of IT-enabled OT for practitioners
* Enterprise systems implementation

Basic references
Orlikowski, W. (1996). Improvising organizational transformation over time: a situated change perspective. Information Systems
Research, 7(1), 63–92.
Besson, P. and Rowe, F. (2012). Strategizing information systems-enabled organizational transformation: A transdisciplinary review
and new directions. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 21(), 103-124.

For additional information or to submit abstracts, please contact the special track co-chairs:

Pierre Hadaya (Primary contact)
École des Science de la Gestion
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Email: hadaya.pierre@uqam.ca

Philippe Marchildon
École des Science de la Gestion
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Email: marchildon.philippe@uqam.ca

Abderrahmane Leshob
École des Science de la Gestion
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Email: leshob.abderrahmane@uqam.ca

Pierre Hadaya, Ph. D.
Département de Management et Technologie

For further submission information, please see: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2019/filesBUSTECH19/ITOT.pdf

Pierre Hadaya, Ph. D.
Département de Management et Technologie
Tél. 514 987 3000 #3850

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