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Subject: [AISWorld] Deadline extension--ACM TMIS Special Issue on Using AI and Data Science to Handle Pandemics and Related Disruptions
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2020 11:38:13 -0500
From: Kang Zhao <kangzhao7@gmail.com>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

*ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems*

*Special Issue on Using AI and Data Science to Handle Pandemics and Related


Kang Zhao <kang-zhao@uiowa.edu>, The University of Iowa
Qingpeng Zhang <qingpeng.zhang@cityu.edu.hk>, City University of Hong Kong
Kelvin Tsoi <kelvintsoi@cuhk.edu.hk>, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sean Yuan <sean.yuan@cityu.edu.hk>, City University of Hong Kong

Human beings have fought against pandemics for centuries. With millions of
infections, the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 has seriously disrupted many
aspects of people's life and caused hundreds of thousands of deaths around
the world. Many researchers are studying the novel coronavirus and its
impacts around the clock. In a short period of time, there have been a
large number of studies published by various parts of the biomedical and
health communities addressing the pandemic from the perspectives of
biology, medicine, as well as epidemiology and public health.

The purpose of this special issue is to reach out to the broader scientific
community, including those who come from management, social science, policy
and/or MIS settings, as well as those who come from computer science,
informatics, and other information technology-oriented settings. We seek
your contributions that may help the world respond and adjust to pandemics
and disruptions they cause. We are particularly interested in research that
builds on recent rapid advancements in applying AI and Data Science across
many application and domain areas.

The devastating COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the creation of a large
amount of related data, including case tracking data, hospital admission
data, news and social media data, human mobility data, as well as data
reported in scholarly articles. Many of these COVID-19 related datasets
include important relational, temporal and/or geographical features. The
availability of such rich datasets provides enormous opportunities for
researchers to better understand, monitor and forecast the pandemic.

This special issue seeks articles that *leverage AI and Data Science* to
better manage risks and disruptions caused by pandemics. Submissions that
analyze how pandemics impact business organizations, industry sectors, as
well as the economy and society overall are also welcomed. We especially
encourage researchers to put forth innovative and sound ways to plan for or
adapt to future pandemics as a result of COVID-19 beyond the immediate
near-term horizon.

Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

- Disease diagnosis and tracking
- Predictive models for disease spread
- Simulations of disease transmissions and interventions
- Disease forecasting and surveillance
- Awareness of the disease and of personal protections
- AI and data science infrastructures for disease surveillance and
- Discovery and management of knowledge about pandemics or infectious
- Supply chain management during and/or after a pandemic
- The impact of pandemic-related disruptions on business operations and
- Decision support for enforcing and lifting quarantine measures
- Risk assessment and management for the resumption of economic and
social activities

*Submission Guidelines:*

All submissions will follow ACM TMIS guidelines (
and submitted through the TMIS portal (mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tmis
with clear indications for the special issue.

*Important Dates:*

- Initial submissions due: Sept 30, 2020
- First round of notifications: Nov 30, 2020
- Second submissions due: Jan 15, 2021
- Final decisions: Feb 15, 2021

For questions and further information, please write to kang-zhao@uiowa.edu.
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