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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Research Papers: THE 9-th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT NETWORKING AND COLLABORATIVE SYSTEMS (INCoS-2017) Ryerson University, Canada. Updated list of SIs arising from the conference
Datum: Mon, 8 May 2017 08:02:02 +0000
Von: Omar Hussain <o.hussain@adfa.edu.au>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

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Updated list of Special Issues in leading journals arising from the conference. 

Call for Research Papers: Deadline extended till May 12 2017

AUGUST 24 - 26, 2017

Conference Website: http://voyager.ce.fit.ac.jp/conf/incos/2017/cfp.html


1. Enterprise Information Systems http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/teis20/current Taylor and Francis (EI indexed, Impact factor 2016: 2.269) 

2. Information Systems Journal https://www.journals.elsevier.com/information-systems/ Elsevier (EI indexed, Impact factor 2015: 1.832) 

3. Soft Computing Journal http://www.springer.com/engineering/computational+intelligence+and+complexity/journal/500 Springer, (SCIE, IMPACT FACTOR 2013: 1.304) 

4. Concurrency and Computation journal http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1532-0634 Wiley, (SCie Indexed, Impact factor 2014: 0.997) 

5. Service Oriented Computing and Applications http://www.springer.com/computer/communication+networks/journal/11761 Springer (EI indexed, Impact factor 2015: 1.355)


With the fast development of the Internet, we are experiencing a shift from the traditional sharing of information and applications as the main purpose of the Web to 

an emergent paradigm, which locates people at the very center of networks and exploits the value of people's connections and relations. Web 2.0 has come to play a 

major role in this context by enabling a new generation of social networks and web-based communities and dramatically changing the way we use and interact with the 

Web. Social network analysis is also a rapidly growing field to investigate the dynamics and structure of intelligent Web-based networking and collaborative systems.

Virtual campuses and organizations strongly leverage intelligent networking and collaborative systems by a great variety of formal and informal electronic relations, 

such as business-to-business, peer-to-peer and many types of online collaborative learning interactions. This has resulted in entangled systems that need to be managed 

efficiently and in an autonomous way. In addition, latest and powerful technologies based on Grid and Wireless infrastructure as well as Cloud computing are currently 

enhancing collaborative and networking applications a great deal but also facing new issues and challenges. Well-known social networks lack of knowledge management and 

adaptive solutions and the information shared among peers is rather static. Virtual communities of practice also provide poorly interactive solutions and lack of full 

support for organization, management, mobility and security.

This conference covers the latest advances in intelligent social networks and collaborative systems that lead to gain competitive advantages in business and academia 

scenarios. The ultimate aim is to stimulate research that will lead to the creation of responsive environments for networking and, at longer-term, the development of 

adaptive, secure, mobile, and intuitive intelligent systems for collaborative work and learning. Industry and academic researchers, professionals and practitioners are 

invited to exchange their experiences and present their ideas in this field.

Papers are solicited for in the following areas (not limited to) ? Social networking and collaborative systems ? Virtual campuses and collaborative systems ? Virtual 

Organizations and communities of practice ? Business-to-Business collaborative systems ? Peer-to-Peer computing and collaborative systems ? Online collaborative 

learning and interaction analysis ? Grid Computing and collaborative systems ? Wireless and Mobile technologies for collaborative systems ? Cloud computing and 

collaborative systems ? Context aware-computing for collaborative systems ? Semantic web technologies and services for collaborative systems ? Security, privacy and 

anonymity in collaborative systems ? Modeling, simulation and performance analysis of collaborative systems ? Personalization and adaptation techniques in 

collaborative systems ? Soft computing techniques for design of intelligent collaborative systems


Authors should submit a paper to the main conference with maximum 12 pages in length,including all figures, tables, and references. Workshop papers should be maximum 

10 pages long. However, authors can add up to 2 extra pages with the appropriate fee payment. Papers must be prepared using the Lecture Notes Style of Springer 

Proceedings. Submission instructions can be found at the conference webpage at: http://voyager.ce.fit.ac.jp/conf/incos/2017/


Submission Deadline: May 12, 2017
Authors Notification: June 5, 2017
Author Registration: June 20, 2017
Final Manuscript: June 20, 2017
Conference Dates: August 24-27, 2017


All accepted papers of the conference and of workshops will be included in the conference proceedings of Lecture Notes in Data Engineering and Communication 

echnologies Series published by Springer. Proceedings will be sent by Springer for indexing in EI and SCOPUS, ISI Proceedings, MetaPress, Springerlink.

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