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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: The 8th International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB'17)
Datum: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 10:49:14 +0000
Von: Slinger Roijackers (Jansen) <slinger@slingerjansen.nl>
An: AISWorld <AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org>
Kopie (CC): Helena Holmström Olsson <helena.holmstrom.olsson@mah.se>, kude@uni-mannheim.de <kude@uni-mannheim.de>, Xiaofeng Wang <xiaofeng.wang@unibz.it>, Christopher Jud <jud@wius.bwi.uni-stuttgart.de>, arto.k.ojala <arto.k.ojala@jyu.fi>, Konstantinos Manikas <kmanikas@di.ku.dk>, Ricardo J. Machado <rmac@dsi.uminho.pt>

Call for Papers: The 8th International Conference on Software Business

12-13 June 2017, Essen, Germany

The 8th International Conference on Software Business will be held in
Essen, Germany, and co-located with the 29th CAiSE conference. This year's
ICSOB is focused on software startups and their role in scientific
research, besides the more traditional topics. ICSOB is organized for the
first time this year along topical tracks with track chairs that manage
each track.

Advancements in the software industry have had a substantial impact on
productivity and GDP growth globally. There is a noticeable spillover
within other industries (e.g. manufacturing) enabling new business models.
Software business refers to commercial activities in and around the
software industry aimed at generating income from the delivery of software
products and services.

Conference theme: Startups in Research

Although the business of software shares common features with other
international knowledge-intensive businesses, it carries many inherently
unique features. It is making it a challenging domain for research. The
examples of many successful companies show that software provides unique
benefit to its users. Moreover, software has spread all over the world and
has permeated in many industries, which are not usual for software. In
particular, software companies have to depend on one another to deliver a
unique value proposition to their customers or a unique experience to their

ICSOB 2017 intends to attract researchers and practitioners who are
concerned with software business in different ways. You are invited to
submit papers addressing contemporary issues emerging at the intersection
of the software and business domains, broadly defined. Both papers
reporting research results and industrial experiences are welcome.

We welcome both research and industry papers to the conference. The papers
should be original and not submitted to or accepted by any other conference
or journal. We are looking for short position and practice papers that
provide insights on the life cycle management of software products and
industry case studies as well as full research papers describing novel
approaches to software business for software products and services. Please
find the track and suggested (but not limited to) topic list below:

Software Ecosystems and App Stores - Chair: Konstantinos Manikas

* Software ecosystem health

* Ecosystem orchestration and governance

* App economy

* Repository mining

* Actor and software supply network analysis

* Ecosystem incentives and business model analysis

Software Business Development - Ricardo Machado

* Business models of cloud computing and software intensive services

* Business models of software companies

* Economics of software companies

* Internationalization

* Outsourcing, global and cultural aspects of software business

* Licensing, intellectual property and patent issues

Continuous Improvement - Helena Holmstrom Olsson

* Software product management

* Effects of business models on software development

* Continuous delivery

* Agile methods for product development

Platform Governance - Thomas Kude

* Platform ecosystems

* Digital platforms and matchmakers

* Platform-based value co-creation

* Formal and informal platform governance

* Mobile software business trends

* Mergers and acquisition in the software industry

Software Startups

* Environment success factors for software business and startups

* Software startup processes

* Disruptive innovation and adoption of startups

* Managing startup growth

* Research dissemination through startups

New Ideas and General Track - Slinger Jansen

* Games and gamification

* Impact on megatrends (e.g. customization) on software business

* Software business education

* Software business today and in the future

* Disruptive software business models

You are very welcome to submit your papers to one of these tracks.

* Important Dates *

Abstract deadline: 24-02-2017

Papers: 03-03-2017

Camera ready: 17-04-2017

* Types of contributions *

We invite four types of original and scientific papers:

* Formal and/or technical papers describe original solutions (theoretical,
methodological or conceptual) in the field of IS engineering. A technical
paper should clearly describe the situation or problem tackled, the
relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and the
potential - or, even better, the evaluated - benefits of the contribution.

* Empirical evaluation papers evaluate existing problem situations or
validate proposed solutions with scientific means, i.e. by empirical
studies, experiments, case studies, simulations, formal analyses,
mathematical proofs, etc. Scientific reflection on problems and practices
in industry also falls into this category. The topic of the evaluation
presented in the paper as well as its causal or logical properties must be
clearly stated. The research method must be sound and appropriate.

* Experience papers present problems or challenges encountered in practice,
relate success and failure stories, or report on industrial practice. The
focus is on „what“ and on lessons learned, not on an in-depth analysis of
„why“. The practice must be clearly described and its context must be
given. Readers should be able to draw conclusions for their own practice.

* Exploratory papers can describe completely new research positions or
approaches, in order to face a generic situation arising because of new ICT
tools or new kinds of activities or new IS challenges. They must describe
precisely the situation and demonstrate why current methods, tools, ways of
reasoning, or meta-models are inadequate. They must rigorously present
their approach and demonstrate its pertinence and correctness to addressing
the identified situation.

For all the submissions and depending on their type, we invite the authors
to be explicit about the research method used.

* Submission Conditions *

Papers should be submitted in PDF format. The results described must be
unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Submissions must
conform to Springer’s LNCS format and should not exceed 15 pages, including
all text, figures, references and appendices. Submissions not conforming to
the LNCS format, exceeding 15 pages, or being obviously out of the scope of
the conference, will be rejected without review. Information about the
Springer LNCS format can be found at
http://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/authors.html. Three to five keywords
characterizing the paper should be indicated at the end of the abstract.
The type of paper (technical/empirical evaluation/experience/exploratory
paper) should be indicated in the submission. Submission is done through

Each paper will be reviewed by at least two program committee members and,
if selected, by one additional board committee member. The selected papers
will be discussed among the paper reviewers on-line and additionally during
the program board meeting in Luxembourg. Accepted papers will be presented
at ICSOB ’17 and published in the conference proceedings, which is
published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

* Organizing Committee *

Conference Chair:

Arto Ojala, Jyväskylä University, Finland

* Steering Committee *

Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Sjaak Brinkkemper, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

João M. Fernandes, University of Minho, Portugal

Georg Herzwurm, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Slinger Jansen, Utrecht University, the Netherlands (chair)

Casper Lassenius, Aalto University, Finland

Eetu Luoma, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Ricardo J. Machado, University of Minho, Portugal

Tiziana Margaria, University of Limerick & Lero, Ireland

Björn Regnell, Lund University, Sweden

Kari Smolander, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Pasi Tyrväinen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Krzysztof Wnuk, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

Anna Lena Lamprecht, LERO Institute, Ireland

Andrey Maglyas, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Slinger Jansen - +31619884880 - www.slingerjansen.nl - Utrecht University -
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