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Subject: [AISWorld] First CFP: Special issue on "Smart Learning Ecosystems - technologies, places, and human-centered design" - IxD&A Journal
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2018 20:31:43 +0200
From: Carlo Giovannella <mifav@roma2.infn.it>
To: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org

/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
Special Issue on
*Smart Learning Ecosystems - technologies, places, and human-centered design*

to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)

Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the journal, please donate:

CFP: http://ixdea.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/idea2010/index.php?s=102&link=call38
*Guest Editors:*

/• Hendrik Knoche, Aalborg University, Denmark
• Elvira Popescu, University of Craiova Romania
• Antonio Cartelli, Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale, Italy/
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *November 30, 2018*
• Notification to the authors: January 10, 2019
• Camera ready paper: January 30, 2019
• Publication of the special issue: mid February, 2019

Learning ecosystems are getting smarter and play a central role in regional development and social innovation. “Smart,” thus, are not simply technology-enhanced learning ecosystems but, rather, learning ecosystems that promote the multidimensional well-being of all players of learning processes (i.e., students, professors, administrative personnel and technicians, territorial stakeholders, and, for the schools, parents) and that contribute to the increase of the social capital of a “region,” also thanks to the mediation of the technologies. Elicited work should inform the understanding of learning ecosystems and accompanying design for “smartness,” foster the development of policies and action plans, or support technological impact.
This special issue is supported by the Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development (ASLERD <http://www.aslerd.org/>).

*Topics of Interest*

Topics of interest include research papers that understand, conceive, and promote innovative human-centric design and development methods, education/training practices, informal social learning, and citizen involvement. Sub-topics can be grouped into (i) places for learning, (ii) learning technologies, and (iii) human-centered design.

/*Human-centered design*/
• frameworks, literacies (data, design, digital, etc.), learning through design, methodological advances (HCD, participatory design, action research, etc.)
• outreach: community involvement, designing dissemination

• visions of institutional learning, interplay of formal and informal learning, novel educational models, mixed educational approaches, cultural influences, (dis-)continuity of time, technology, places, spaces, and processes

• topics on data (management): open, smart, interoperable, safety, security, privacy, trustworthiness, veracity and quality assurance, mining, ubiquitous, open access, sharing, wearables, geo-localization, context awareness and adaptation, monitoring and benchmarking of smartness on different levels (personal, organization, region)
• case studies of the technologies above as well as games, VR, and IoT

/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors' information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
->http://ixdea.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/idea2010/index.php?s=101&a=7 <http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/idea2010/index.php>

*Authors' guidelines*
Link to the paper submission page:
http://ixdea-2018.uniroma2.it/ojs/index.php/ixdea/login <http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/idea2010/login.php>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page. When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Smart Learning Ecosystems - technologies, places, and human-centered design")

More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.

For scientific advice and queries, please contact any of the guest-editors below and mark the subject as:
/IxD&A SI: Smart Learning Ecosystems - technologies, places, and human-centered design/

• hk [at] create [dot] aau[dot] dk
• popescu_elvira [at] software [dot] ucv [dot] ro
• cartan [at] unicast [dot] it

**** IxD&A in figures ****
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* Forthcoming issues:*

• Spring 2019
'Intermediate-level knowledge in Child-Computer Interaction'
Guest editors: Olof Torgersson, Eva Eriksson, Wolmet Barendregt, Tilde Bekker
with a focus section on:
'Games for Urban Sustainability'
Guest Editors: Andrea Vesco, Salvatore Di Dio, Bernat Gaston

• Summer 2019
'Indigenous Knowledge and Practices contributing to new approaches in learning/educational technologies'
Guest Editors: Kasper Rodil, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Tutaleni I. Asino, Tariq Zaman

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