-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] BPM 2011 - Call for papers
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 10:35:26 +0100
From: Laurent d'Orazio <laurent.dorazio@isima.fr>
To: laurent.dorazio@isima.fr

BPM 2011
9th International Conference on Business Process Management 2011
August 29-September 2, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Call for Research Papers

BPM 2011 is the ninth conference in a series that provides the most 
distinguished research forum for researchers and practitioners in all 
aspects of BPM including theory, frameworks, methods, techniques, 
architectures, systems, and empirical findings. With an acceptance rate 
in previous editions at around 13% the conference has a record of 
attracting innovative research of highest quality, from a mix of 
disciplines including Computer Science, Management Information Science, 
Services Computing, Services Science, and Technology Management.

This year’s conference will continue with the broad-based themes of 
previous editions, and strives to strengthen and expand in several key 
directions . The conference encourages emerging research on new 
conceptual models for BPM that attempt to unify core aspects of BPM, 
including process management, data management, business rules and 
requirements, and analytics. The conference also encourages the 
increasing interest in applying established and new techniques, such as 
model-driven architectures, Web services and Web architectures, SOA, and 
Cloud Computing, to the specific challenges of BPM. In this context, the 
conference is also looking for contributions on implementation 
techniques and details for process or Web service execution engines with 
focus on new application areas. Finally, the conference seeks to attract 
papers that highlight the pervasive need for BPM capabilities across 
application areas outside of business management, including healthcare 
delivery, digital government, disaster management, and management of 
scientific and other academic endeavors, and that highlight how new 
techniques can solve the distinctive challenges arising in those diverse 
areas. Awards will be given to the best papers in different categories.

BPM 2011 will be held in Clermont-Ferrand, France, and will be organized 
by the LIMOS Laboratory (http://www.isima.fr/limos/), CNRS, Université 
Blaise Pascal. The conference will take place at the campus des cezeaux 
which is located about minutes from the city center. Clermont-Ferrand is 
a medium-sized city located in the heart of Auvergne, one of the most 
beautiful regions of France: ancient volcanoes, lakes and gorges, 
historic sites and Romanesque architecture make its wealth. Information 
about the venue and local area are provided on the conference website: 
http://bpm2011.isima.fr/ .

Research topics include, but are not limited to:

Process modeling languages, notations and methods
Data-aware and data-centric approaches to BPM
Reference process models
Variability and configuration of process models
Process simulation and static analysis
Automated process composition and synthesis
Process metadata and semantic reasoning
Process patterns and standards
Foundations of business process models
Security and Privacy aspects in business process modeling


Process-oriented software architectures
Service-oriented architectures for BPM
Workflow management systems and infrastructure
Security and Privacy aspects of business process execution
Automated planning for business process execution
Resource management in business process execution
Process componentization and component repositories
Distributed process execution
Cloud computing in support of BPM


Models and theory of workflow as data
Process tracing and monitoring
Dynamic process analysis and Process performance measurement
Process mining and learning
Process data warehousing
Data streaming in business processes


Process exception handling
Process change management
Monitoring and provenance across change
Adaptive and context-aware processes
Case handling
Process-enhanced groupware


People-intensive processes
User-centric aspects of BPM design
User-centric aspects of process management and use
Cross-organizational processes
Globally distributed process management
Integrating strategy, process, people and IT
Task sourcing through social networks


Knowledge-intensive processes
Data-driven business processes
Distributed and mobile processes
Inter-process planning and coordination
Scientific processes / grid workflows


Business process lifecycle management
Relationship of business strategy and business process
Success factors and measures in BPM
BPM governance and compliance management
BPM Maturity
Adoption and Practice of BPM
Case Studies and Experience Reports in BPM
BPM in support of business networks

Conference Paper Submission

BPM 2011 invites research submissions on all topics related to business 
process management, including but not limited to those listed above. 
Research papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair 
system at 13 March 2011.
Initial submissions must be received no later than 6 March 2011 
(including at least title and abstract). Final papers must be submitted 
by 13 March 2011. Submission details and formatting instructions are 
given at the website. All accepted papers will be included in the 
conference proceedings published by Springer-Verlag in their LNCS 
series. For each accepted paper, at least one author is required to 
register for the conference and should plan to present the paper. 
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version 
of their paper to a special issue Information Systems (an Elsevier 
Science Journal).
Additional Conference Activities
The BPM 2011 conference will include a diverse set of tracks and 
activities in addition to the main research track. As with previous 
editions of the conference, there will be several associated workshops 
that explore newly emerging approaches, methods, and technologies in the 
BPM space. All or most of these workshops will be held on 29 August 
2011. The Demo Track will showcase new, innovative systems that 
illustrate key BPM functionalities. The proceedings of the workshops, 
and short papers describing the demos, will be published in a volume of 
Springer’s Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). The 
Industrial Experiences track aims at bridging the viewpoints of leading 
research outcomes with practical demands and industrial experience; 
practitioners are encouraged to submit papers reporting on innovative 
industrial implementations and applications of BPM methods and 
techniques, with a particular emphasis on their impact on information 
technology use or business practice. The conference will include 
tutorials on cutting-edge frameworks and associated principled 
techniques for solving BPM challenges. There are plans for a Doctoral 
Consortium, that will provide students in advanced stages of their 
dissertation work an opportunity to share their research with peers, 
world-class researchers, and industry experts in Business Process 
Management. Finally, a summer school directly following the main 
conference is envisioned.

Preliminary conference schedule
Abstract submissions: 6 March 2011
Final paper submissions: 13 March 2011
Notification of acceptance: 13 May 2011
Camera-ready papers: 12 June 2011
Doctoral Symposium: 28 August 2011
Workshops + industry day: 29 August 2011
Conference: 30 August - 1 September 2011
Summer school: 2 September, 2011

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