-------- Original Message --------
KI 2012, Saarbrücken, Germany, 24-27 September, http://www.dfki.de/KI2012/
The German Conference on Artificial Intelligence traditionally brings
together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI. The
technical program of presentations, workshops, and tutorials is
complemented by a doctoral consortium that invites participation
by PhD students at any stage and from any subject area within AI.
The goals of the doctoral consortium are
- to provide PhD students with the opportunity to present their
ongoing research and receive feedback from established researchers;
- to promote networking among PhD students and AI researchers in
general, both on a national and an international level;
- to support students with information and advice on academic,
research, and industrial careers.
The doctoral consortium is implemented as a student mentoring program
that introduces students to senior researchers in the relevant fields.
Students accepted for the Doctoral Consortium will participate also in
the main KI 2012 conference and are waived registration fee.
To apply for the KI 2012 doctoral consortium, please send the
following documents by email to clu@uni-bremen.de:
- An abstract of your thesis, formatted according to the KI
guidelines, that describes the problem being addressed, the
motivation for addressing the problem, the progress made to date,
the proposed plan of further research, and related work. The
abstract is limited to three pages.
- A short CV (at most 2 pages) that covers background (name,
university, supervisor), education (degree sought, year/status in
degree, previous degrees), employment, and relevant experience in
research (publications, presentations, conferences attended).
- Optionally, you can suggest potential mentors who could give you
advice on technical aspects of your work and on your career.
July 9, 2012 Application deadline
August 31, 2012 Acceptance notification
September 24-27, 2012 Doctoral consortium (one day)
For inquiries, please contact
Carsten Lutz
Universität Bremen
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