Liebe KollegInnen,
hiermit möchte ich Sie
herzlich dazu einladen, Ihre Forschungsbeiträge auf unserem
HICSS-55 Minitrack zu ‘Managing the Dynamics of Platforms
and Ecosystems’ (Deadline: 15. Juni 2021) einzureichen.
Wir blicken auf sechs erfolgreiche Durchläufe des Minitracks
zurück und freuen uns sehr "alte" Bekannte und neue
AutorInnen in unserer Community willkommen zu heißen. Wir
danken auch dem großartigen Advisory Committee für Ihre
größtenteils langjährige Unterstützung.
It is well understood that, in
order to compete and survive, organizations have to
consider platform- and ecosystem-centric perspectives
(Parker et al. 2016; de Reuver 2018; McIntyre et al.
2020). Today, digital technologies shape firm
identities, physical and digital resources merge, and
even traditionally physical industries become “digital
first” (e.g., Wessel et al. 2021, Baskerville et al.
2020). Platforms and ecosystems play a central role in
the rapid emergence and proliferation of the
technologies that afford this digital transformation,
e.g., human-machine ecosystems, digital twins, cloud
services, artificial intelligence, 5G.
Although understanding the
value and importance of platforms and ecosystems across
various industries and domains has grown significantly over
the years, there is still a paucity of research examining
the dynamic and evolutionary aspects of platform and
ecosystem management (e.g., de Reuver 2018; Gawer 2020).
Building on last year’s experience, we seek contributions
that focus on the “dynamic” aspects of platforms and
ecosystems. How do platforms and ecosystems emerge and what
are the mechanisms driving their evolution? How do platforms
and ecosystems adapt to changes in the technological,
social, economic, ecologic, or political environment? How
can specific platform and ecosystem actors succeed within
these dynamics and manage even unintended consequences?
Hannes Rothe
Freie Universität Berlin
Kaisa Still
University of Oulu
Jukka Huhtamäki
Tampere University
Advisory Committee
Chair of the
Rahul C. Basole (Accenture AI, USA)
Members of the
Amrit Tiwana (University of Georgia, USA)
Annabelle Gawer (University of Surrey)
Brandon Barnett (Intel Corporation, USA)
Carmelo Cennamo (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Carsten Sørensen (London School of Economics, UK)
Daniel Fürstenau (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Geoff Parker (Dartmouth College, USA)
Hyunwoo Park (Ohio State University, USA)
Jesus Delvalle (Bayer, Germany)
Jianxi Luo (Singapore University of Technology and Design,
Jim Spohrer (IBM Corporation, USA)
Karl Täuscher (University of Manchester, UK)
Mark de Reuver (Delft University of Technology,
Marko Seppänen (Tampere University, Finland)
Martha Russell (Stanford University, USA)
Michael Cusumano (Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Michael Jacobides (London Business School, UK)
Neil Rubens (Transport and Telecommunication Institute,
Ola Henfridsson (University of Miami, USA)
Paavo Ritala (LUT University, Finland)
Raul Chao (University of Virginia, USA)
Timo Ali-Vehmas