Forwarded message from [ ] sent originally on Mon, 3 Jan 2000 18:03:52 +0100 (MET): : UDMS 2000 : 22nd URBAN and REGIONAL DATA MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUM : : September 11-15, 2000 : Congress Centre Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands : : : or : : FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR PAPERS : : UDMS, the Urban Data Management Society, organises international symposia at various locations in : Europe in order to promote the development of information systems in local government. An important : aim of UDMS has been to provide a forum for people to discuss new approaches, to consider new : technologies and to share practical experiences in the field of urban data management. : Traditionally the focus has been on urban applications. However, regional and rural issues have : always been well represented at UDMS. : : During the 21st Urban Data Management Symposium, held in Venice in 1999, it became clear that UDMS : should broaden its scope. To an increasing degree urban development has its effect on regional and : rural zones and vice versa. Especially in the densely populated parts of Europe cities, industry : and infrastructure need more and more space. The impact of this expansion on rural areas should be : studied and visualised using new spatial information technologies. : Therefore UDMS has decided to focus also on regional and rural aspects at the beginning of a new : century. : : >From an economic point of view land becomes more and more scarce and therefore more and more : valuable. From the countries in Central Europe we learn how important it is to solve the land : market problems in order to establish a free market economy. Since 1996 UDMS has also paid : attention to developments in Central Europe. As membership of the European Union is now the main : aim of these countries, it becomes even more important to discuss these issues. : : For more details: : : The general theme will be Urban and Rural Data Management Common Problems - Common Solutions? : : Topics: : * Organisation of the technical services of local and regional authorities : * Cadastre and Land Administration : * Shared use of geographic information : * Metadata services clearing house : * Environmental information : * Public Service Delivery: the role of local and regional authorities and private companies : * Integrating GIS into an urban and rural information system : * New technologies for urban and rural planning and management : * Urban risks and disaster management : * New technologies for infrastructure : * Co-operative urban information systems : * Tele-geoprocessing and the use of telecommunications for urban and rural management and monitoring : * Using Internet, Intranet and Extranet technologies : * One line permitting : * Intranets and Extranets for Local Authorities. : * Environment Monitoring : * GIS for public participation and information to citizens : : Board of UDMS: : * Massimo Rumor (President) Padua, Italy : * Robert Laurini (Vice-President) Lyon, France : * Jørgen Rasmussen (Treasurer) Odense, Denmark : * Ken Jones (Program Coordinator) Oslo, Norway : * Theo Bogaerts (Member) Delft, The Netherlands : : National Representatives: : * Antonio Arnaud, Portugal : * Jerzy Gazdzicki, Poland : * Josef Hojdar, Czech Republic : * Matti Holopainen, Finland : * Michael J. Kevany, USA : * Dave King, United Kingdom : * Erich Wilmersdorf, Austria : : Important Dates: : * Paper submission deadline: March 1, 2000 : * Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2000 : * Camera ready paper due: June 15, 2000 : * UDMS 2000 dates: September 11-15, 2000 : * Seminar Land Markets and Land Consolidation in Central Europe (September 11-12, 2000) : * 22nd Urban and Regional Data Management Symposium (September 13-15, 2000) : : Submission: : People interested to submit a paper for the seminar and/or the symposium, must proceed as follows. : For plenary the full text and for parallel sessions an abstract of 1500-2000 words together with a : short Curriculum Vitae and the full address should be sent in. You are also kindly requested to : indicate the topic of your choice. Papers and abstracts should be delivered preferably in English. : However it is also allowed to send in papers and abstracts in French or German. Please note that : the presentations should be given in the English language. : Sending in an abstract will be considered as pre-registration for the Seminar and/or the Symposium. : Those documents must be sent preferably by e-mail as an attached file in Word97-format to the : DMS executive secretary Mrs Elfriede M. Fendel by March 1, 2000 : mentioning: : : * presentation Seminar Land Markets and Land Consolidation in Central Europe : or : * presentation UDMS 2000 : : In case e-mail is not possible please deliver your text on diskette to: : Mrs Elfriede M. Fendel : Department of Geodesy : Delft University of Technology : Thijsseweg 11 : NL - 2629 JA Delft : The Netherlands : e-mail : Information concerning the conference fee will be available during January 2000 on the : UDMS web site
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