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Betreff: [WI] Keynote speakers and Student Contest at SLERD 2017 (2nd International Conference on: Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development)
Datum: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 10:23:39 +0100
Von: Carlo Giovannella <mifav@roma2.infn.it>
Antwort an: Carlo Giovannella <mifav@roma2.infn.it>
An: wi@lists.kit.edu

Apologize for unintended cross-mailing

"2nd International Conference on
“Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development”
Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices

June 22-23, 2017
University of Aveiro, Portugal
SLERD Conference website

Keynote speakers

Marco Marsella (DG Connect - Head of Unit 'Learning, Multilingualism and Accessibility')
Digital transformation and social innovation: the role of learning ecosystems and the contributions from EU research and innovation projects

Damian Schofield (State University of New York - SUNY)
Building Bridges Between Education and Territory : The Power of Mixed Reality and Gamification


International ASLERD Student Contest
People Centered Smart Learning Ecosystems
call for ideas and proofs of concept

The call invites students to submit ideas (first phase of the contest) and proofs of concept/prototype (second phase of the contest) on how to make learning ecosystems smarter. It is open to individuals and groups of students (bachelor, master and PhD students).
The winner (individual or group) will be awarded with 500 €.
Three individuals or groups (finalists) will be selected to present their proofs of concept at SLERD 2017 and attend the conference for free.
ASLERD will cover also stay expenses (hotel and meals) for two representatives per finalist.
Full details can be found in the call

on occasion the University of Aveiro organizes also a local student competition
University of Aveiro Student Competition @ SLERD 2017
reserved to students attending the Aveiro University
prizes a full details can be found in the call


We remind that:

SLERD 2017 aims at promoting reflection and discussion concerning R&D work, policies, case studies, entrepreneur experiences with a special focus on understanding how relevant are the smart learning ecosystems (schools, campus, working places, informal learning contexts, etc.) for regional development and social innovation and how the effectiveness of the relation of citizens and smart ecosystems can be boosted. This forum has a special interest in understanding how technology mediated instruments can foster the citizen’s engagement with learning ecosystems and territories, namely by understanding innovative human-centric design and development models/techniques, education/training practices, informal social learning, innovative citizen-driven policies, technology mediated experiences and their impact. This set of concerns will contribute to foster the social innovation sectors and ICT and economic development and deployment strategies alongside new policies for smarter proactive citizens.

Read the full Call for papers

Important dates:

• Deadline: February 24, 2017
• Notification to the authors: March 24, 2017
• Camera ready paper: April 21, 2017
• Conference: June 22-23, 2017

Proceedings will be published by Springer in the Series
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
that will be indexed by SCOPUS, EI-Compendex and Springerlink

Extended version of selected papers will be also included in a special issue of IxD&A Journal (ISSN 1826-9745, e-ISSN 2283-2998):
N.35 winter 2017
(indexed by SCOPUS and Emerging Sources of Web of Science)

Authors’ guidelines & link for submission

The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .pdf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit
• short papers (6-8 pages) and/or
• full papers (9-12 pages).
Number of pages includes authors' information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc..
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines.

Link to the paper submission page on easy chair:

For scientific advices and any query please contact:

• Fernando Ramos (Conference Chair):  fernando [dot] ramos [at] ua [dot] pt  
• Óscar Mealha (Proceedings Editor & Local Organizing Committee): oem [at] ua [dot] pt  
• Cristina Silva (Conference Secretariat): cris [at] ua [dot] pt 

or, in alternative:

aslerd [dot] org [at] gmail [dot] com

marking the subject as: “2nd ASLERD Conference - Aveiro"

Join ALSLERD and share our vision on the future of Smart Learning Ecosystems:
Timisoara declaration

See ASLERD website for
Request of membership, membership fees
and legal

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Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi