-------- Original Message --------
Call for Contributions
PESOS 2012
4th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented
In conjunction with the 34th International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE)
June 4, 2012
Zurich, Switzerland
------------------------------Submission deadline has been
Abstract submission: February, 22
Paper submission: February, 24
--------------------------------Motivation and
Service-oriented systems pose novel challenges to software engineering,
stemming from the lack of homogeneity of their basic components and from
the requirement of being able to accommodate unprecedented levels of changes
and dynamic evolution. Increasingly, services will be offered via the
through emerging delivery models such as software-as-a-service (SaaS),
process outsourcing (BPO), cloud services and third-party services. This
that future software systems will increasingly rely on the provisioning of
which are no longer under the software engineer’s control. Those trends are
in the special theme of the 4th edition of PESOS: “Internet of Services”.
The goal of PESOS 2012 is to bring together software engineering researchers
academia and industry, as well as practitioners working in the areas of
systems to discuss research challenges, recent developments, novel
application scenarios,
as well as methods, techniques, experiences and tools to support
engineering, evolution
and adaptation of large-scale, highly-dynamic service-oriented systems.
For the first time, PESOS will feature a special session on “the quest for
case studies”.
The special session aims to serve as a forum for researchers and
practitioners sharing this
vision and willing to contribute with their effort and experience. The
ultimate goal is to
create the reference set of case studies for the research community in
systems, hosted on a publicly available repository (not unlike the PROMISE
data repository).
The session will be organized as a working session in which participants can
present their
experience and the lessons learned.
-------------------------------Submission and
Paper submission will be handled using easychair:
The following two major classes of papers can be submitted:
- Regular workshop papers of max. 7 pages
- Extended abstracts of max. 2 pages for the special session on “the quest
for case studies”
The PESOS workshop proceedings will be published in the ICSE Proceedings.
All submissions need to follow the official ICSE 2012 submission guidelines,
available from http://www.ifi.uzh.ch/icse2012/how-to-submit/
-----------------------------Topics for
+++++++++++++++Regular PESOS Workshop Papers+++++++++++++++++++++++++
PESOS 2012 seeks contributions addressing any of the topics related to
engineering for the "Internet of Services", SOA, Web services, cloud
computing, and
connected areas.
Some examples of possible topics are:
- Design and architecture of service-oriented systems
- Methods and tools for design-time software engineering support for desired
runtime behavior
- Verification and validation of services and service-oriented systems
- Service description, discovery, and composition
- Service monitoring
- Management of service-oriented systems
- Adaptation and evolution of service-oriented systems
- Scalability issues and distribution
- Service personalization and context-aware provisioning
- Service dependability, survivability, reliability and resilience
- Trust, security, and privacy in service-oriented systems
- Quality of service (QoS) and Service-level Agreements (SLAs)
- System migration to service-oriented emerging business models (e.g. cloud,
SaaS, BPO)
- Service delivery models, including cloud and mobile
- Patterns and best practices in development for service-based software
- IT governance and compliance of service-oriented systems
+++++++++Extended Abstracts for Special Session on "The Quest for Case
- Descriptions of a case study in the area of service-oriented systems, and
its related
artefacts (e.g., service interfaces, service-based process descriptions,
service ontologies,
formal specifications and models, QoS/SLA descriptions and data, service
test suites, execution traces, monitoring data, etc).
- Reports on experiences in using case studies in research for
service-oriented systems,
including reports on negative experiences (e.g., case studies that showed to
be not suitable
though they initially looked very promising) and lessons learned from them.
Each extended abstract should include a link to a compressed archive file
containing all the
artefacts belonging to the case study, and a brief guide on how to use it.
The contributions will be evaluated with respect to the quality, the
completeness, and the
reusability of the artefacts. In case of acceptance, authors commit to make
the case study
material publicly available (under a Creative Common license) by the date of
the workshop
(more details to follow).
Abstract submission (mandatory) deadline: February 22, 2012
Paper submission deadline (dextended): February 24, 2012
Notification of authors: March 20, 2012
Camera-ready copies: March 29, 2012
- Patricia Lago, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Grace A. Lewis, CMU Software Engineering Institute, USA
- Andreas Metzger, Paluno (Ruhr Institute for Software Technology),
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Vladimir Tosic, NICTA, Australia
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++Special Session
- Domenico Bianculli, University of Lugano, Switzerland
- Antinisca Di Marco, University of L’Aquila, Italy
- Pierluigi Plebani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Andrea Polini, University of Camerino, Italy
- Schahram Dustdar, Technial University of Vienna, Austria.
- Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
- Domenico Laforenza, IIT‐CNR & ISTI CNR, Italy.
- Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
- Mike Papazoglou, Tilburg University, The Netherlands.
- Klaus Pohl, Paluno (Ruhr Institute for Software Technology), University of
Duisburg‐Essen, Germany.
- Antonio Brogi, University of Pisa, Italy
- Matthias Book, Paluno (Ruhr Institute for Software Technology), University
of Duisburg‐Essen, Germany
- Myra Cohen, University of Nebraska, USA
- Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia
- Schahram Dustdar, TU Vienna, Austria
- Howard Foster*, City University of London, UK
- Qing Gu, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Sam Guinea, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Sylvain Hallé*, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada
- Wilhelm Hasselbring*, University of Kiel, Germany
- Dragan Ivanovic*, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Raman Kazhamiakin, FBK, Italy
- Heiko Koziolek*, ABB Corporate Research, Germany
- Kyriakos Kritikos*, University of Crete, Greece
- Marin Litoiu, York University, Canada
- Nicolás López, University of Los Andes, Colombia
- Hanan Lutfiyya, University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Marija Mikic-Rakic*, Google Los Angeles, USA
- Liam O'Brien, CSIRO, Australia
- Flavio Oquendo, European University of Brittany/IRISA-UBS, France
- Cesare Pautasso, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
- Florian Rosenberg*, IBM Research Lab, USA
- Antonio Ruiz, University of Seville, Spain
- Antonino Sabetta*, SAP Research, France
- Tarja Systa, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
- Liming Zhu, NICTA, Australia
* = Member of special session evaluation committee
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