We apologise if you received this invitation several times or if this

invitation reaches you by mistake!


Dear all,

we would like to invite you to the first

TRANSACT Workshop on Future Developments in Business Networks and

Transaction Systems

on May 17th / 18th. 2001 in Brussels.

The workshop is organised for research and development projects funded

by the European Commission under Key Action II of the IST programme. The

goal is

- to identify trends in the area of technology support for online

business cooperation,

- to analyse future objetives for closing the gap between business needs

and the current technical infrastructure, and

- to support projects by collaboration and establishing working groups

in the area of their respective expertises

IST projects are encouraged to get actively involved in clustering

activites to support a fruitful cooperation between projects that focus

on similar areas of research and development. TRANSACT is a cluster

activity that facilitates this co-operation specifically by the workshop

planned for May 17th / 18th.

However, the workshop is not limited to active IST projects. We also

expect participants from other industrial or research communities with a

specific focus on business networks and transaction systems.

The workshop will have three sources of contributions:

1. Invited speakers from the European Commission and from

standardisation organisations

2. Presentations by IST projects

3. Open discussion on future developments among the participants.



By this date we need your presentation material as well as your


Please find the workshop information package in the attachment.

Additionally, you may use the following contacts for registration:

Workshop organisation contact (Ponton Consulting):

email: transact@ponton.de

phone: +49-40-42 174 400

fax: +49-40-42 174 499

TRANSACT Home Page: http://www.eu-commerce.org

Kind regards,

Michael Merz

(TRANSACT Coordinator)