-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Workshop on Formal Methods in the Development of Software 2011 - Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2011 11:49:17 +0100
From: "César Andrés Sánchez" <c.andres@fdi.ucm.es>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science@lists.iccsa.org>


1st Workshop on Formal Methods in the Development of Software  (WS-FMDS)




Collocated with QSIC 2011, the 11th International Conference On Quality Software

Madrid, Spain, July 13-14, 2011   http://antares.sip.ucm.es/qsic2011




== SCOPE==


 software concerns all the aspects of the production cycle of software 
systems and requires expertise in data management, design and algorithm 
paradigms, programming languages, and human computer interfaces. Most 
software development life cycle methodologies are either iterative or 
follow a sequential model. Such systems may contain a huge amount of 
lines of code. Thus, when developing these systems, it is necessary to 
apply sound engineering principles in order to economically obtain 
reliable and efficient software.

Formal methods refer to 
techniques based on mathematics for the specification, development, and 
verification of systems. The use of formal methods is especially 
important in reliable systems where, due to safety and security reasons,
 it is important to ensure that errors are not included during the 
development process. Formal methods are particularly effective when used
 early in the development process, at the requirements and specification
 levels, but can be used for a completely formal development of a 
system. One of the advantages of using a formal representation of 
systems is that it allows to rigorously analyze their properties. In 
particular, it helps to establish the correctness of the system with 
respect to the specification or the fulfillment of a specific set of 
requirements, to check the semantic equivalence of two systems, to 
analyze the preference of a system to another one with respect to a 
given criterion, to predict the possibility of incorrect behaviors, to 
establish the performance level of a system, etc. This new workshop 
welcomes papers on any aspect concerning the formal development of 
software systems.



 aim of WS-FMDS is to bring together scientists and practitioners who 
are active in the area of formal methods and interested in exchanging 
their experiences in the industrial usage of these methods. This 
workshop also strive to promote research and development for the 
improvement of formal methods and tools for industrial applications.  
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

    * Formal methodologies applied to security, performance and quality of Software.
    * Model-driven development, testing, and analysis of Software.
    * Formal testing.
    * Combinations of different formal techniques.
    * Measurement and metrics.
    * Experience of industrial case studies.
    * Implementation of platforms / tools.





 must be original and should not have been published previously nor be 
under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this 

All papers must be submitted at the following 
submission site: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wsfmds11. 
Each submitted paper must conform to the IEEE format and submission 
guidelines. Papers should not exceed 8 pages in length. If necessary, 
the paper may be supplemented with a clearly marked appendix, which will
 be reviewed at the discretion of the program committee. Submissions 
will be evaluated according to the relevance and originality of the work
 and to their ability to generate discussions between the participants 
of the workshop. Each paper will be reviewed by three reviewers, and 
accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Digital Library.




March 12, 2011: Deadline for submission of papers

April 20, 2011: Notification to authors

April 30, 2011: Deadline for camera-ready versions

July 13-14, 2011: QSIC 2011 workshops






    * César Andrés, U. Complutense de Madrid
    * Luis Llana, U. Complutense de Madrid


Program Committee


    * Rui Abreu, U. of Porto, Portugal
    * Cesar Andres, U. Complutense de Madrid, Spain
    * Mario Bravetti, U. of Bologna, Italy
    * M.Emilia Cambronero, U. de Castilla la Mancha, Spain
    * Ana R. Cavalli, Telecom SudParis, France
    * Haitao Dan, Brunel U., UK
    * Gordon Fraser, Saarland U., Germany
    * Luis Llana, U. Complutense de Madrid, Spain
    * Jasen Markovski, Eindhoven U. of Technology, the Netherlands
    * Pascal Poizat, U. of Evry Val d'Essonne, France
    * Hasan Sozer, U. of Twente, the Netherlands
    * Franz Wotawa, Graz U. of Technology, Austria
    * Fatiha Zaïdi, U. of Paris-Sud, France