-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 3rd KRDB school on Trends in the Web of Data
Datum: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 08:45:01 +0200
Von: Enrico Franconi <franconi@inf.unibz.it>
An: krdbs-2010@inf.unibz.it

                          3rd KRDB school on
                       Trends in the Web of Data
             Brixen-Bressanone (near Bozen-Bolzano), Italy
                         17-18 September 2010

Call for Participation

The 2010 edition of the KRDB school will be focussed on methods, techno-
logies, and formalisms  to publish, share, access, and integrate hetero-
geneous and autonomous data on the Web.

The lecturers of the school are:

Danny Ayers: (Semantic) Web platforms
Jonathan Ellis: NoSQL and Cloud Computing
Tom Heath: Linked Data
Peter Mika: Semantic Search
Martin Hepp: The GoodRelations Ontology for E-Commerce
Marko Rodriguez: Graph Databases

Detailed information about the lectures can be found on the web page.

The participation to the school is free of charge. 
Students are required to apply  by sending an email including personal
details and a short curriculum vitae et studiorum to:
Applications are continuosly evaluated as soon as the are submitted on
a first-come-first-served basis until there are available places.
The final deadline for the application is on the 27th of August. 


The school will take place  in the charming town of Brixen-Bressanone,
near Bozen-Bolzano in South Tyrol at  the heart of the Dolomites - the
pink mountains of the  Alps. Like Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen-Bressanone has
always been a  crossroads of various cultures and  it is distinguished
by  its mediaeval Gothic  architecture. The  mediaeval alleys  and the
wealth  of  historical references  are  an  ideal  starting point  for
excursions into the countryside and  for practising a whole variety of
sports and  leisure activities. Leaving directly from  the town centre
delegates can  set off on their  bikes or on foot  for excursions into
the surrounding hills and  mountains. Brixen-Bressanone is on the main
arterial  road between  Austria/Germany  and Italy  and  it is  easily
accessible from everywhere by train, car, bus or plane.