-------- Forwarded Message --------
Dear Colleague,
The 18th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics
and Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC'19) will be held at Polytechnic
University of Milan, Italy during July 23-25, 2019
http://www.ucalgary.ca/icci_cc/iccicc-19). The IEEE ICCI*CC
series is a flagship conference of its field sponsored by IEEE CS,
SMCS and etc. The theme of ICCI*CC’18 is on Cognitive Learning
Systems, Brain-Inspired Systems, and Cognitive Robotics, as well
as an Autonomous System Track.
You are welcome to publish with us with a 4-page paper in IEEE
ICCI*CC'19. The Proceedings of ICCI*CC'19 will be published by
IEEE CS Press (EI Indexed). A good rate of selected papers from
the conference will be recommended to leading international
journals and/or IEEE transactions with ISI/EI indexes.
Paper submission site is at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeeiccicc2019 .
Submission deadline has been extended to April 22, 2019.
IEEE ICCI*CC'19 Co-Chairs
HONORARY CHAIR: Prof. Bernard Widrow (Stanford Univ.) and Prof.
Jerome Feldman (UC Berkeley)
GENERAL CO-CHAIRS: Prof. Rodolfo A. Fiorini (PolyU Milan, Italy),
Prof. Yingxu Wang (U Calgary, Canada), and Prof. Newton Howard (U
Oxford, UK)
PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS: Prof. Paolo Soda (U. of Rome, Italy) and Dr.
Garry Jacobs (WAAS, USA)