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Subject: [AISWorld] JOCEC's Ongoing Cybersecurity Research Series Is In Year 2
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 07:11:18 -0400
From: Dave Chatterjee <dchatte@gmail.com>
Reply-To: dchatte@gmail.com
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Dear Prospective Authors and Colleagues:


I am delighted to inform you that the Journal of Organizational Computing
and Electronic Commerce's (JOCEC) ongoing series on cybersecurity
<https://tinyurl.com/ybl3zeux>)* is in its second year. In this game
changing publishing initiative, submissions are reviewed by an editorial
board of accomplished practitioners and scholars. During the past 18
months, the following papers have been accepted for publication.

1. He, W. and Zhang, Z. “Enterprise Cybersecurity Training and Awareness
Programs: Recommendations for Success,” *Journal of Organizational
Computing and Electronic Commerce*, Forthcoming.

2. Tarafdar, P. and Bose, I. “Systems Theoretic Process Analysis of
Information Security: The Case of Aadhaar,” *Journal of Organizational
Computing and Electronic Commerce*, Forthcoming.

3. Chatterjee, D. "Should Executives Go to Jail Over Cybersecurity
Breaches," 29(1), *Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic
Commerce, *pp. 1-3, February 2019. (https://tinyurl.com/y2shbuls) -- Intro

4. Khan, H.U. and Alshare, K.A. “Violators versus non-violators of
information security measures in organizations – A study of distinguishing
factors,” *Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce*, 29
(1), pp. 4-23, February 2019.(https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hoce20/current

5. Burns, A.J., Johnson, E.M., and Caputo, D.D. “Spear Phishing in a
Barrel: Insights from a Targeted Phishing Campaign,” *Journal of
Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce*, 29 (1), pp. 24-39,
February 2019. (https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hoce20/current)

6. Zimba, A., Wang, Z., and Mulenga, M. “Cryptojacking Injection: A
Paradigm Shift to Cryptocurrency-based Web-centric Internet Attacks,” *Journal
of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, pp. *40-59*, *February
2019 (https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hoce20/current)

7. Kabanda, S., Tanner, M. and Kent, C. “Exploring SME cybersecurity
practices in developing countries,” J*ournal of Organizational Computing
and Electronic Commerce*, 28 (3), pp. 269-282, 2018.

Please follow this link (https://dchatte.com/editor/#acceptedpapers) to
review actionable recommendations from the accepted papers.


Dave Chatterjee <http://dchatte.com/> (https://dchatte.com/)

Senior Editor

Associate Professor
Department of MIS, Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602-6114
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