-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Calls for Papers (special): International Journal of Information
Technologies and Systems Approach (IJITSA)
Special Issue On: Human Computer Interaction: A Systems Approach
Submission Due Date
Guest Editors
Dr. Carina González, University of La Laguna, Spain
Dr. Cesar Collazos, University of Cauca, Colombia
Dr. Habib Fardoum, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
This special issue aims to promote and disseminate the recent advances in
the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), both at academic and
industry level, from the software engineering perspective (Seffah,
Desmarais & Metzker, 2005).
Currently, human-computer interaction is present in any software and
technological device and interface design has become a critical aspect in
the development, because it is one of the main factors that influence the
success and competitiveness of software applications. So, we can say that
an interactive system is not only judged by its ability to conduct
operations, but also for its ability to properly communicate to the user.
The evolution of interfaces and interaction styles (Preece, 1994) have led
to different interactive paradigms throughout the history of computing,
where the most known are desktop computer, virtual reality, augmented
reality and ubiquitous computing. Technological advances led to a new
generation of interactive systems, such as multimedia or virtual reality
environments. The effect of leading interaction "beyond the desktop" bring
new questions and challenges involved and make us consider new phenomena
and issues. From the last ten years, the interfaces became mobile,
cooperative, collaborative and social, tangible and tactile, gestural
(multimodal), hybrid, augmented and controlled by the brain (brain
computing). At present, computers are designed to be "embedded" within the
environment and therefore, it is necessary to rethink the interaction
between the person and the computer in this context (Lytras, Ordoñez &
García-Peñalvo, 2013). The new user interface and new interaction
paradigms have created new styles of communication and interaction with
the user, and present new challenges for researchers and designers of
interactive systems to improve user experience and communicability with
the system.
Moreover, while field of human-computer interaction (HCI) is growing
maturing, engineering approaches become more important (Sutcliffe, 2005).
In HCI, systems approaches are extensive, remarking different areas of
interest, such as structured methodologies for interactive system design
(Fischer, 2012) and evaluation and methods, processes, languages, models
and tools to improve interactive systems (Jacko, 2011; Memmel, 2009). So,
this special issue aims to bring together research, relevant experiences
and contributions to the area of human-computer interaction. Specifically,
the topic will be studied from systems approach, identifying possible
solutions to the challenges on development of interactive systems.
This special issue has the aim of promoting and spreading the recent
advances in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), both academic
and industry level, from a software engineering perspective and system
Recommended Topics
Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not limited
to) the following:
Architecture of Interactive Systems
Design of Interactive Systems
Development of Interactive Systems
Innovative applications
Accessibility Evaluation
Adaptive Interfaces
Ambient Intelligence
Brain-Computer Interface
Business Experiences
Collaborative Learning and HCI
Collaborative systems in HCI
Context-aware systems
Contextual Evaluation
Cultural Aspects in the Design
Evaluation of Interactive Systems
Evaluation tools
Human Factors
Intelligent Interfaces
Interaction Devices
Interactive and Multi-Modal Systems
Interactive TV
Interface Design Tools
Model-Based Interface Development
Multimodal Interfaces
Natural Language Interfaces
New Methods and Methodologies for Interface Design and Interaction
New Methods and Methodologies for Evaluation
New Tools and Techniques for Interaction
Output devices
Semantic Web
Systems analysis
Systems design
Systems engineering frameworks
Systems evaluation
Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing
Ubiquitous learning and HCI
User Experience Evaluation
User Interfaces Development Tools
User Modeling
Videogames and HCI for Entertainment
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this
special theme issue on Human Computer Interaction: A Systems Approach on
or before August 31th, 2014. All submissions must be original and may not
be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT
http://www.igi-global.com/Files/AuthorEditor/guidelinessubmission.pdf. All
submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis.
Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.
All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Dr. Carina González
Lead Guest Editor
International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach
E-mail: cjgonza@ull.edu.es
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