-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS CFP
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 08:39:30 -0500
From: Stuart D. Galup <sgalup@fau.edu>
Reply-To: sgalup@fau.edu
Organization: Florida Atlantic University
To: <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>
CC: FAU-Stuart Galup <sgalup@fau.edu>

Mini-track:  Managing IT services for Efficiency and Effectiveness

Track:  Information Technology Services and Sourcing

Min-track Chair(s):

John Beachboard

College of Business

Idaho State University

(208) 282-3583


Stuart Galup

College of Business

Florida Atlantic University

(954) 762-5616



The goal of this track is to solicit rigorous research advancing knowledge regarding the development and evaluation of IT service management life-cycle services and processes that directly contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of critical business services and/or processes.  IT and business alignment remains a top management concern identified by senior IT executives (Luftman, et al. 2009).  The inclusion of IT service strategy development in the most recently published version of the IT Infrastructure Library v.3  (ITIL®)  service management framework implicitly recognizes the importance of IT and business alignment.  ITIL and the many vendor published IT service management (ITSM) frameworks describe a comprehensive set of processes and practices intended to ensure such strategic IT alignment the efficient and effective delivery of IT services. 

With the adoption of ITSM frameworks, industry and government are seeking high quality research that can be used to evaluate and improve ITSM practice.  The IT Service Management Forum (itSMF), the U.S. body of an international industry consortium dedicated to promoting ITSM practices, is interested in encouraging ITSM-related research and is working in conjunction with the AIS-SIGSVC to include papers submitted to this track in a research paper competition.  Authors of winning papers will be invited to present their research at the 2011 itSMF Fusion Conference to be held in National Harbor, MD.

Both finished research and research in process are solicited; please clearly mark which type the submission is.  Possible topics of applied, field and empirical research include, but are not limited to:

·         Theories, challenges and impacts of business adoption of a services orientation

·         Business process integration and management (BPM) of services

·         Service level management theory and practice

·         Theories, challenges and impacts of servitizing IT organizations

·         Service Oriented Information architecture, systems and management

·         Service systems, components, platforms, technologies, architectures

·         Customer Integration in service design, delivery and operation

·         Services innovation & management

·         Service business models ; issues of excellence and productivity

·         Services governance and risk management or legal aspects of services

·         Rich empirical cases suitable for pedagogical use exploring specific ITSM practices and challenges in the areas of service strategy development, service design and service operations

·         Other services related topics


Important Dates:


AIS Review System will begin accepting submissions for AMCIS 2011


Submission deadline


Authors notified of paper acceptance decision


Camera-Ready Papers due




Best wishes,


Dr. Stuart D. Galup

Certified Computing Professional

Certified ITIL Expert (certified in all Intermediate Lifecycle and Compatibility Streams)

Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT 

Consultant/Manager Competence Certificate in ITSM according to ISO/IEC 20000


Information Technology & Operations Management

College of Business

Florida Atlantic University

Office Telephone: 954-762-5616

Website: http://itom.fau.edu/sgalup/