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Dear Colleagues:
As a result of numerous requests, the dg.o 2020 Conference
Organization Committee has decided to extend the final deadline
for the Call for Papers. Submissions are now due no later than
Friday, January 31th, 2020 (Midnight EST). Applicants will be
notified of acceptance by April 10, 2020. Please note the full
list of updated conference key dates. We want to acknowledge the
people who have already submitted their paper proposals already.
Thanks so much to you all!
Updated conference key dates
January 31 (January 15), 2020: Papers due
January 31 (January 20), 2020: Workshops, tutorials, and panel
proposals due
March 31 (March 15), 2020: Posters and demos proposals due
March 31 (March 1), 2020: Application deadline for 2020 doctoral
April 10 (March 20), 2020: Notifications of acceptance
April 20 (April 1), 2020: Poster/demo author notifications
April 25 (April 5), 2020: Camera-ready manuscripts due
May 15 (May 5), 2020: Early registration closes!
The dg.o 2020 Conference Information including Paper Submission
Guidelines is available on
https://easychair.org/cfp/dgo2020 as
well as on the conference website:
http://dgsoc.org/dgo-2020/ .
Submissions can be made directly on
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dgo2020 .
We hope you will take advantage of the extended deadline to submit
your proposal for the dg.o 2020 Conference, being held in Seoul,
Korea, coming June.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Best Regards,
Dongwook Kim, Luis Luna-Reyes, and Soon Ae Chun
Conference Chairs
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