-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for papers - JAIS sponsored Theory Development Workshop
Datum: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 11:22:12 -0400
Von: JAIS <JAIS@case.edu>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Journal of Association for Information Systems sponsored Theory
Development Workshop Associated with ICIS 2010 in St Louis, USA

Dear Colleague,

Following the eight successful theory development workshops since
December 2002, the Senior Editors of the Journal of Association for
Information Systems (JAIS) are organizing the 9th theory development
workshop immediately preceding the ICIS 2010 The theory development
workshop is tentatively scheduled on SATURDAY 11TH OF DECEMBER BEFORE
THE CONFERENCE. Exact location of the workshop will be announced

The purpose of the workshop is to promote scholarship that focuses on
new theoretical advances in the Information system field. The design
of the workshop follows the Academy of Management Review (AMR) Theory
Development Workshop format that has proved successful in promoting
theory development in that field. Workshop participants will discuss
drafts of their theoretical work with JAIS senior editors, members of
the JAIS Editorial Board, and other workshop participants.  The
workshop is structured to provide detailed feedback from other
researchers who are also developing theoretical work for future
journal submission.  There is no obligation for the authors to submit
their work once completed to JAIS, although JAIS is a top quality
outlet that does welcome conceptual and theoretical papers in addition
to empirical ones. In fact, six to seven papers accepted for the
workshop have been submitted yearly to the journal for publication
consideration and fast tracking. Typically 2-3 manuscripts submitted
to the workshop have been published or are accepted for publication at
JAIS within the next 14 months.

Prior to the workshop, participants whose papers have been accepted to
the workshop will receive one to three papers to read and review.
Reviews will follow a brief, structured format that allows
participants to critique their own papers and the papers of other
participants.  Reviews will focus on constructive comments and
recommendations for ways to improve the papers.  During the workshop,
participants will meet in small groups with a JAIS senior editor and
editorial board members. During this discussion, participants will
receive specific feedback on their papers and provide feedback to
others in their group.  A JAIS senior editor and editorial board
members will facilitate the small group discussion so that each
participant gets equal time to gather comments from other members of
the group. Please consult the JAIS website for the list of Senior
Editors and the Editorial members ( http://jais.aisnet.org)

Selection for the JAIS Theory Development Workshop is competitive.
This workshop only addresses theory-building, conceptual foundations
and model development issues. All manuscripts must demonstrate new
theory development to be considered. Papers submitted to conferences
or scheduled to be presented at conferences (e.g., ICIS) can be sent
as long as the primary contribution is new theory development.
However, papers under review or revision at a journal are excluded.

The application deadline is September 4, 2009.  Papers should be no
more than 35 pages in length (max 8000 words), double-spaced, 12 point
font, with citations in JAIS format
(http://aisel.aisnet.org/jais/format.html).  Longer manuscripts are
also considered if the length is well motivated.

To submit a paper to the workshop, upload an electronic copy of your
paper (including 3-4 key words on the abstract page) to Sprouts:
Working Papers on Information Systems.  See information here:

Please note: once you register and set a "user" account, login and go
to "manage deposits" to upload your paper as "new item". In the
submission form, make sure that you designate the paper to
"Proceedings of JAIS Theory Development Workshop" and select "Kalle
Lyytinen" as the Reviewer of your submission.

Prior to submission, please read carefully the authors guide here
http://sprouts.aisnet.org/authors-guide.html. Your will receive an
acknowledgement of your submission within 7 days. If not, please
contact the JAIS office in acouple days or so for checkup. No
applications will be accepted after September 4, 2010.   Individuals
selected as participants will be notified by October 22, 2010.

If you have technical question, please direct them to
admin@sprouts.aisnet.org. Please direct all your non-technical
questions to Kalle Lyytinen, Editor of JAIS, email: kalle@case.edu and
copy to jais@case.edu.

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