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Subject: [EDEN-News] EDEN Research Workshop 2018, Barcelona - Announcement and Call
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 11:38:01 +0100
From: EDEN Research Workshop 2018, Barcelona Secretariat <barcelona@eden-online.org>
To: neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
CC: EDEN Newsletter <eden-news@eden-online.org>

EDEN 10th Research Workshop:
Personalized Guidance and Support for Learning

First Announcement and Call for Contributions

24-26 October 2018, Barcelona


Building on its success of the research workshops, EDEN is pleased to announce its Tenth Research Workshop organised in collaboration with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) in Barcelona, Spain.


EDEN’s 2018 Workshop “Personalized Guidance and Support for Learning” focuses on the crucial and changing roles of teachers in supporting student learning in the digital world. This includes the creation of enabling conditions that encourage learning personalization, learner agency and self-direction.

Experiences of learner empowerment resulting from balanced “guide on the side” teaching, timely teaching interventions, consistent feedback and feedforward, explicit teaching of learning-to-learn strategies, assessment for learning, and technology-based adaptive teaching will provide a substantive background for reflection and discussion.

EDENRW10 which will be held in Barcelona on 24-26 October 2018. The Workshop Themes revolve around the topics of personalized learning, teachers' and learners' roles, open education, adaptive teaching, formative assessment and teacher-learner dialogue. .

Call for Contributions

During this Research Workshop, EDEN will bring established scholars and researchers of ODL together with early researchers in the field. Building on DE’s extensive history of research and technology innovation, the workshop will create an open stage for further extending discussions on DE, where delegates will have an opportunity to engage with experts and actively explore the topics of Personalized Guidance and Support for Learning. We invite all interested professionals to take part and discover the Workshop Themes by submitting their proposals.

Submissions should make a relevant contribution to the field and meet the customary academic requirements: clear aims/questions, methodology, contextualisation, results, conclusions and implications, and references.

Full text submissions must be in English, with careful language, spelling and grammar check. You are invited to send a one-page summary for the Book of Abstracts, included in the file of your proposal, separately indicated as 'Summary for the printed Book of Abstracts'. Authors are also expected to indicate how their research topic is related to the proposed framework of research areas (see workshop themes).

Submissions that relate to the Workshop Scope or one or more of the Workshop Themes are invited in the following categories by the deadline: 9 July, 2018. You are encouraged to submit your proposal earlier than 9 July to support a speedy evaluation of the proposals and enhance your possibility to register early in time.

Contributions received will be continuously evaluated and authors informed latest by 25 July, 2018.

Keynote speakers

Neil Selwyn

neil selwynNeil Selwyn is a professor in the Faculty of Education, Monash University. His research and teaching focuses on the place of digital media in everyday life, and the sociology of technology (non)use in educational settings.

Neil has written extensively on a number of issues, including digital exclusion, education technology policymaking and the student experience of technology-based learning. He has carried out funded research on digital technology, society and education for the Australian Research Council (ARC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), British Academy, the BBC, Nuffield Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, Gates Foundation, Microsoft Partners in Learning, Becta, Australian Government Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT), Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), Save The Children, Centre for Distance Education, the Welsh Office, National Assembly of Wales and various local authorities in the UK.

Neil was editor of the journal ‘Learning, Media and Technology’ (2010-2016), and a regular keynote speaker at international conferences. Neil is a core member of the ‘Learning with New Media’ research group within Monash.

Sanna Järvelä

Sanna JarvelaSanna Järvelä, PhD, is a professor in the field of learning and educational technology and a head of the Learning and Educational Technology Research Unit (LET) in the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Oulu. Her main research interest deal with learning processes in technology-enhanced learning, self-regulated learning and computer supported collaborative learning.

Järvelä and her research group is internationally well known from theoretical advancement of motivation as a contextual phenomena and of social aspects of self-regulated learning. Her research work has also strong contribution to the methodological development of process oriented and qualitative research methods in the field of learning, collaboration and motivation.

She has been responsible leader of several international research projects funded by the Finnish Science Academy and her research group (LET) has been partner in the Networks of Excellence (NoE) KALEIDOSCOPE in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning. Järvelä has been an invited expert in different national (e.g. Ministry of Education) and international expert commissions (e.g. OECD and scientific organizations) as well keynote speaker in international conferences (e.g. EARLI and CSCL).

PhD Student Symposium

A PhD Student Symposium will take place on 24 October 2018 as part of the EDEN Research Workshop 2018 conference hosted by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 24–26 October 2018. The PhD Student Symposium has been designed to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge among doctoral students doing research in the area of the event’s theme, “Personalized Guidance and Support for Learning”, while providing a discussion forum for the advancement of doctoral research. The topics related to the EDEN Research Workshop theme are:

  • Personalized learning: accompanying learners while addressing distinct learning needs, situations or preferences.
  • Teachers’ and learners’ roles: rethinking teaching facilitation strategies using the potential of digital technologies.
  • Open education: making the most of openness to ensure student success.
  • Adaptive teaching: enhancing teacher decisions through course analytics and course awareness methodologies.
  • Formative assessment: assessment for learning and the implementation of complementary ipsative approaches.
  • Feedback: reinforcing teacher-learner dialogue through different channels in networked environments.

The PhD Student Symposium will be led by a panel of international experts on e-learning and members of the EDEN Executive Committee.

Call for presentations

Current doctoral students in the field of e-learning or educational technology are encouraged to submit short abstracts to present an overview of their research at the PhD Student Symposium. Each proposal must be related to one of the research topics listed above. PhD students must currently be studying, i.e. have had their research proposals approved but have not yet defended their theses. Preference will be given to students who have collected data to analyse. The abstract should be in English, and contain a 300-350 word description of the state of their research and a problem they would like to address in the symposium. It should include the research title, research objectives/questions and methodology.

Submit your abstract before 9 July 2018 using the Research Workshop's submission form. The panel of international experts will review the abstracts and select students to participate. Students will be notified by 25 July 2018. Students will then need to prepare a short presentation (between 5-10 slides) before the symposium.

Schedule and Deadlines

Submissions: 9 July 2018
Registration open: 5 September 2018
Notification of authors and presenters: 25 July 2018
Conference dates: 24-26 October 2018

Conference Venue, Barcelona

Barcelona, “the city of Marvels” and the passionate capital of Catalonia in Spain, situated between the sea and the mountains, offers a unique balance between the traditional and the avant-garde. Its history is one of the oldest in Europe, its present is full of life: the city has character and charm and one of the liveliest and most beautiful beaches in La Costa Brava. Barcelona harbours an abundant variety of artistic treasures, including Romanesque churches and the works of some of the greatest painters and architects: Dali, Gaudi, Miro and Picasso.