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The 19th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2011 - ICT and Sustainable Service Development
Call for Proposals for Conference Tracks
In 2011 the European Conference on Information Systems will be held in Helsinki, Finland, hosted by Aalto University School of Economics (formerly known as Helsinki School of Economics, HSE). As in previous years, the conference will be organised around conference tracks, focusing on both established and emergent areas of IS research.
If you aspire to be a track chair for ECIS 2011, this call is for you. We are inviting you to propose a conference track and to submit it to ecis2011@hse.fi. Each proposal will be evaluated by the Research and Research in Progress chairs in conjunction with the programme and conference chairs. Decisions will be based on the overall merit of the proposal, the diversity of the track team and the fit with the conference theme.
Your responsibilities as a track chair will be to:
1) promote the track and take sufficient measures to ensure an adequate number of submissions
2) organise a peer review cycle for the papers submitted to your track (assisted by a set of Associate Editors)
3) propose to the program committee the papers that will eventually be accepted for inclusion into the conference program
4) liaise with the research chairs on all other matters that concern ECIS 2011
Track proposals should provide a motivation for the track, a brief overview of the area, sample topics, types of contributions welcomed, and an assessment of overall appeal to conference attendees. Specifically, track proposals should include:
1) A title for the conference track
2) Names, e-mail and mailing addresses, affiliations, phone and fax numbers of the two to three track co-chairs. Please designate one of the co-chairs as the primary contact person.
3) A short description of the track and its focus: define the proposed area of research, discuss the topics the track will address, and how they fit into the conference theme.
4) A discussion on how these topics have recently been covered in other conferences and publications, and to substantiate that ECIS 2011 will be an appropriate and timely forum for the topics.
5) A discussion on what types of contributions are sought for: full research papers, research in progress, and/or teaching cases.
6) A list of tentative Associate Editors for the proposed track (around three or four). Please provide names and affiliations, and the extent to which they may already have committed themselves to serve as AEs for your track.
7) Your track record (if any) in organising tracks, or in other, related areas of responsibility in the IS community.
When putting together your track team (that is, chairs and AEs), please be aware that the Research and Research in Progress chairs will look favourably on diversity in gender, experience, and geographical background. It is therefore worthwhile to emphasise the diversity of the track team in your proposal.
Track proposals should be e-mailed to ecis2011@hse.fi as soon as possible, but no later than that 1 February 2010. Please note that in order to ensure interesting and sufficiently extensive range of tracks, the ECIS2011 Programme Committee might approach you with a suggestion to modify your track proposal; or in case there are proposal for same or similar topics, the committee might ask you to consider joining forces with another proposing group.
Notifications of acceptance or rejection of proposed tracks will be sent out in early March 2010.
On behalf of ECIS 2011 organizers,
Matti Rossi
Professor of Information Systems Science
Helsinki School of Economics
P.O. Box 1210, 00101 Helsinki, Finland
phone: +358-50-3835503
skype: motrossi
Messenger: Matti_Rossi@msn.com
web site: www.ecis2011.fi
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