-------- Original-Nachricht --------
16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
Track: Data and Information Quality
Minitrack: Data and Information Quality of Unstructured Data
August 12-15, 2010, Lima, Peru
Unstructured data include free-form text such as found in
word processing documents, e-mail, Web pages, spreadsheets,
and text files, as well as nontextual dataimages, sound,
video, and graphics. Estimates of the proportion of unstructured
data in organizations are staggeringanalysts estimate that 80 percent
of the data is unstructured. Analysts have also observed that the
major drivers for unstructured data growth are Microsoft Office,
email attachments, and backup and archival, as well as the generation
of multiple and distributed copies of data. In particular, the Web
is a primary unstructured information source for nearly every
knowledge worker.
Evidently, organizations that rely solely on structured,
record-oriented data have incomplete information. In recent years,
there is a growing interest in accessing unstructured data and
utilizing them, often together with structured data. Applications
vary from counter-terrorism and biomedical information extraction
to business intelligence, customer relationship management, and more.
Although they have enormous potential for improving the completeness
of information in particular and its quality in general, unstructured
data introduce numerous new challenges for data and information
quality research.
This mini-track centers on such problems. We welcome papers that
address technical or managerial data quality challenges and solutions
for fulfilling the potential of unstructured data. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to, the following list:
- Data quality on the Web
- Quality assessment methods
- Reconciliation of comparable sources
- Social aspects of data quality
- Reusing and repurposing unstructured data
- Governance of unstructured data
- Cost and benefit assessments
- Scalability and scalable solutions
--- Journal Publication ----
Extended versions of outstanding papers will be
fast-tracked to ACM JDIQ (http://jdiq.acm.org/).
Selected authors will be invited to submit an
extended version of their paper to a special issue/section
in International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and
Management (IJDMMM) (www.inderscience.com/ijdmmm) .
---- Submission Process ----
Full paper submissions must be made electronically
through the AMCIS Manuscript Central submission system,
by March 1, 2010. Papers should not exceed 5,000 words.
Paper format may be found at:
---- Important Dates ----
- January 4, 2010: Paper submissions open
- March 1, 2010: Deadline for paper submissions
- April 12, 2010: Notification of acceptance of
- April 26, 2010: Final copy due
- August 12-15, 2010: AMCIS Conference
----- Minitrack Chairs ----
Irit Askira Gelman
Adir Even
Ben-Gurion University
---- Further Information ----
AMCIS 2009 Conference Website: http://www.amcis2010.org/ Or contact Minitrack
AISWorld mailing list