-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: CHITA 2019 Date: Tue, 28 May 2019 05:44:45 -0400 From: Ritu Agarwal ragarwal@rhsmith.umd.edu To: AISWorld List aisworld@lists.aisnet.org CC: Kenyon Crowley kcrowley@rhsmith.umd.edu, Guodong Gordon Gao ggao@rhsmith.umd.edu, Jeffrey Mc Cullough jemccull@umich.edu
November 15-16 | Key Bridge Marriott, Washington, DC go.umd.edu/CHITA2019
*Chair: Ritu AgarwalProgram Co-Chairs: Guodong (Gordon) Gao and Jeffrey S. McCullough* We are pleased to announce the call for submissions to the 10th Annual Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA).
CHITA is an annual research summit and doctoral consortium that gathers prominent scholars in a multidisciplinary setting. CHITA focuses on the increasing role, importance and impact of analytics and health information technology in improving individual and population health, and health system quality and performance. Each year, the conference attracts over 100 scholars and thought leaders from more than 40 institutions. CHITA provides a forum for researchers to disseminate their work and network within a growing and vibrant community. This conference fosters collaboration between academia, government, and industry to bridge research, policy, and practice.
CHITA will be held in Washington DC, center of health policy debates, on Friday and Saturday, November 15-16th with a pre-conference doctoral consortium on Thursday, November 14th. The conference is hosted by the Center for Health Information and Decision Systems (CHIDS) at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. CHIDS was established in 2005, and is the first academic research center focused on health information and decision systems in a leading business school. CHITA is produced in partnership with the University of Michigan School of Public Health with support from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
Papers are solicited on a wide range of topics including, but not limited to: Health IT's adoption and impact; Healthcare analytics and big data; Health information exchange and interoperability; New IT-enabled organizational forms and delivery models; Market competition and health insurance exchange; mHealth and patient empowerment; and Quality transparency and public reporting. There is special interest this year in the following emerging topics: AI applications for healthcare; Adoption and integration of analytics; Opioids; Priority populations; Population health management; Cybersecurity; Behavior (both of providers and patients).
Please submit either a brief abstract (one page), an extended abstract of no more than 5 pages (11-pt font, one-inch margins on four sides, double-spaced) or a full manuscript at go.umd.edu/CHITA2019easychair by Friday, July 19, 2019. Submissions will be reviewed for novelty, rigor, and policy impact. Decisions will be sent to authors no later than Friday, August 16, 2019. The conference will include full presentations, research round tables, and research panels (which feature several brief presentations). As in the past, CHITA will give awards for Best Paper, Best student-authored Paper, and Young Researcher. The latter two awards are given to papers with either a student or junior researcher as the lead author. To be considered for awards, full papers should be submitted at go.umd.edu/CHITA2019easychair by Friday, Oct 11, 2019.
For further information and updates, including about the Doctoral Consortium program, please check go.umd.edu/CHIDS2019. A limited number of graduate students and early investigator small travel grants will be made available, information will be posted to the conference website about applying. Programs and photo albums of previous years are available on the conference website for your perusal. We look forward to your participation. Have questions? Contact us at chita@rhsmith.umd.edu.
*Note: CHITA does not assume copyright over work accepted for presentation. Conference abstract Proceedings will be indexed, with authors able to optionally participate or not.